Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Oops! something was given to the media that, I think makes Presidnet Bush, er,,,,,Presidental,,

Seems like someone messed up and released information to the Italian press to embarass President Bush and the Italian PM. It backfired, Portraying President Bush as a man not wanting to go to war. Concerned about the loses of life and the money that it will take to go to war. "the rantings of a sandmonkey" blog has the whole post broken down into a good read


Paul Champagne said...

Doesn't the media always try to make the President look Presidential? ... I mean when they aren't denegrating him that is.

Tapline said...

paul, thanks for stopping by...Times have changed,,,,use to be we respected the office of the Presidency,,,,Now!!!As with everything else thats respect is a word belonging to the past.....stay well....

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Must check it out at 'the rantings of a sandmonkey". And thanks for coming by my small blog!

Tapline said...

Ai, thanks for stopping by. You have a very enlightening blog.....

WomanHonorThyself said...

thanks Tap for the heads up..hadnt heard this story as of yet~!

Tapline said...

Sorry about not answering your reply Wht....Just got back....

Anonymous said...

I must have missed this one somehow. Thanks for sharing. Yes the media always wants to put Bush in a bad light, but honestly ... sometimes he asks for it. Yes, as President we should give the office and the person holding that office respect. I voted for Bush, twice. But he has made some strange statements, especially when it comes to illegal immigration.

Don't be a stranger at Right Truth.

Tapline said...

Thanks for stopping by.....I finally closed up my camp so I am home for the winter....Closed early........Sowill be more active in my blog unless my wife curbs my activities......HA!! stay well....