Friday, October 19, 2007

Big brother,uh,,,,Sister will watch out for you????

Not my kid you won't! I say that now, but if this is allowed to continue Government will not only be in our bedrooms, but in our beds also....This situation, in my own humble estimation, is not only illegal, but flies in the face of parental responsibility or the lack thereof and they should be held accountable, not the school. It seems in the City of Portland, Maine the local school committee , after a public hearing is allowing birth control pills to be administered to 11 year old students, of course with parental permission, (to use the Health care facility, not permission for the pill, or shot, or patch, just the facility).
A little history is in order. From what I understand, a middle school nurse had 5 students out of 134 that was sexually active, which was an intolerable situation. It was determined by "the watchers" or whomever, The school in its infinite wisdom should exercise a parental roll and prove "it takes a village to raise a child." (see URL http://www,


Gayle said...

Problem is, it's the wrong dang village, Tap! There's no way I would put up any of this. My children are grown, but if they were in a school that allowed this, I would pull them out so fast it would make the school boards head spin. I would also tell the principal and the school board exactly what I thought of them. Then I would start writing letters, and that I can do anyway, and will. We have to fight back. We have to fight for future generations. Otherwise this country will become nothing better than an immoral hell hole and it's already well on it's way!

I know, I sound like a drama queen, but I'm not exaggerating one teesy-weensy bit. This is so over the top and immoral it literally makes me sick to my stomach.

Tapline said...

Gayle, when I first heard this I was dumbfounded! I realize Socialism had been creeping into all walks of life in the US for about the last 40 years maybe more. Moral values are not taught in schools or learned at home anymore. The government has moved into the home more and more. Each year a little more individual freedom is being chipped away by the courts and What we have been fighting for "A better life for our kids" is a dream,,a nightmare. I ramble....stay well....

WomanHonorThyself said...

hey Tap!..happy Sunday..this is soooooo typical of our new lefty society..yank them out of publik skools and put them in private schools pronto...what a horror!

Tapline said...

And a blessed Sunday to you too..Both you and Gayle seem to think private schools are the answer. I think it might be a stop gap, but it's like anything else it creeps without tipping its hat and Walla,,,,its there also, no, my answer is to nip it in the bud and stop allowing government to invade our families....No! it won't stop...unless we stand and be counted....Thanks for stopping by......stay well...

Michael said...

That's easly the single most wrong thing that I have ever read.

I have two kids, and if a school should ever give them any kind of pill (even an aspirin) without my express permission in advance, someone will pay. With a head on a platter.

Because it doesn't take a village to raise a child; it takes at least one (and preferably two) absolutely committed parents.

Jackie said...

It may not be the answer but my two young grandchildren are in a private school this year. Though, you're right; push has come to shove and it's time to exert ourselves!

Tapline said...

Michael, I had to re-read my post. before I answered your comment. I agree with you 100%. We must be constantly on guard on those who would take away our rights and responsibilities. Stay well.......

Tapline said...

In_spired, Thanks for the visit. Last night I read where a couple of concerned Portlanders are questioning the recent decision. We will see what develops...stay well....

Goat said...

Couldn't agree more, you got a spot on my blogroll I just ask the same. Otto, Gayle and Angel are all friends of the Barnyard so you will be as well. BTW thanks for stopping by and commenting on the FRC poll.

Tapline said...

Goat, thanks for stopping by and includiing me on your blogroll. Stay well....

Gayle said...

You are right in saying private schools aren't the answer, Tap, and neither is homeschooling, but it will save our children for the immediate future. Why leave them in public schools where they are at risk? Yes, I agree we must fight this immorality at it's core and put a stop to it... but it's going to be a long, hard and uphill fight. In the meantime, if I had children of school age, there's no way I would place them in a public school now.

Gayle said...

You are right in saying private schools aren't the answer, Tap, and neither is homeschooling, but it will save our children for the immediate future. Why leave them in public schools where they are at risk? Yes, I agree we must fight this immorality at it's core and put a stop to it... but it's going to be a long, hard and uphill fight. In the meantime, if I had children of school age, there's no way I would place them in a public school now.

Anonymous said...

TL where did we go wrong

Tapline, good morning from Fire Storm West Coast. Southern California is burning and there is a huge smoke cloud outside of my home, but we are not in danger here. Back to your post now. Thanks for the good post, and this is going to sound bad, but, I was under the impression that things like this [allowing birth control pills to be administered to 11 year old students with or without parents consent] COULD NOT happen in a common sense type of city like Portland or anywhere in the state of Maine. Where did we go wrong here? Have a fine Maine day!


Tapline said...

I think you are right Gayle, Thank God I don't have any right now, although I will have a grandchild there next year. We will see......stay well......

Tapline said...

Thanks for the visit...I also think it flies in the face of existing laws in Maine. Like sexual assault? Under the age of consent stay well.......

Paul Champagne said...

The bad thing is that you authorize your child to use the school nurse in case she gets a sore throat or something and she ends up getting on the pill.

Besides the obvious circumvention of the parents in all this, I am deeply concerned about feeding hormones into 11 year old girls. Isn't a doctor supposed to see you before you go on the pill?

So, I object to this both morally and medically ... It is a bad idea.

Tapline said...

I could be wrong, but I think a doctor is available at this facility. beside the obvious I would worry about giving Birth control to anyone. Remember the big scare they had many years ago with birth defects, that was awful....stay well.....

Goat said...

Yep last I heard sex with someone under 18 was a felony. I saw where a 17 year old girl is now a registered sex offender for blowing a 15 year old boy. Something is awfully askew here, kids should not be sexually involved period, what happened to love and marriage besides "Love and Marriage", I don't know. I tried once and was divorced because I wasn't paying off her bills fast enough. Tapline, its time to fight back and I am glad to find another ally for this coming battle.
Many thanks for the linkage but may I request that I be linked as Goat's Barnyard or The Barnyard, many thanks and God Bless.

WomanHonorThyself said...

hiya Tap!..adding u to my blogroll even as we speak~!..G'nite!:)

Tapline said...

WHT, thanks. got to write another post...stay well....