Saturday, October 27, 2007

Flag-folding Recitals, Puff !!! gone

With the wave of a pen the reading of the 13 folds on the American Flag to the Triangle shape that is given to the representatives of fallen hero's is no more, or only on special request, but cannot be performed by government workers or volunteers.
The reason being someONE objected to the 11th fold recitation.
According to an article carried by Scripps Howard News Service as written by Joe Vargo of "The Press-Enterprise" of Riverside California: " A single complaint lodged against the words of the 11th fold which clebrates Jewish War Veterans and glorifies the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, prompted the National Cemetery Administration to ban the entire recital at all 125 National Cemetaries.""----Mike Nacincik, a spokesman for the National Cemetery Administration, said the new policy, which was outlined in a Sept 27, memo is aimed at creating uniformed services throughout the military graveyard system." See for entire article Hat tip to "Dragon Lady's Den" for alerting the blogisphere to this outrage.


Gayle said...

Great minds think alike. I also posted on this, Tap! I am a veteran's wife, and my husband and I are both practically foaming at the mouth.

I posted a number to the ADF. We need to get them in on this. This is beyond an outrage!

Gayle said...

I didn't see it over at Angel's though.

Paul Champagne said...

Was that someOne of the Muzlim persuasion? What a crock.

Tapline said...

Gayle, I am sincerely sorry, Hat tip to Gayel at Dragon Lady's Den. How did I miss that.....Thanks for calling my attention to that blunder.....

Gayle said...

LOL! It's okay, Tap. It's not like I never got confused. Besides... I consider Angel a good friend. I consider it a compliment to be confused with Angel! :)

David Schantz said...

Seems to be a movement to kick God out of just about everything. Don't mention his name you might offend someone. Well that offends me. If we can't mention God what have we got left?

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

Tapline said...

You got it. But, in this case it was a reference to "the Jews and the God of Abraham, Isaac and jacob. However, there was no objection to the next fold, which mentioned Christianity. HUMMMMMM. Makes one wonder..stay well.....

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the report. Is there ANYTHING left for the wackos to complain about? Have a fine Maine day.


Tapline said...

thanks for stopping by....stay well....

WomanHonorThyself said...

hiya Tap!..this is outrageous beyond belief!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments on my Blog , I will link with you!


crabby old man said...

To think I served in the army for 2 years 11 months 3 weeks and four day's for these athiest sons of a female dog can do BS like this.

Tapline said...

COM, Thanks for visiting...Me thinks there is a snake in the grass on this one.....the objection was to the 11th fold which refers to the Jeeeewwwwssss and The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I believe... Now the 12th is the the Son of God to the Christians..This was not objected to....Hummmmmmm! any bells ringing???? stay well.

Gayle said...

Tap, I just did an update to that post. It seems that the Federal Government stripped God from the Washington monument! Bad things are happening so fast I can't keep up with them all! God is being sabotaged on a daily basis. GRRRR!

Tapline said...

Gayle, This is getting out of hand. I'm checking and then I'll start writing. This has got to be stopped before we become like Russia or worse.

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Not happy about this.

In a recent news story on, it is reported that “a group of congressmen has asked the Department of Veterans Affairs to reconsider its ban on the flag-folding ... you need to support these congressman whoever they are!

WomanHonorThyself said...

Happy Halloween my friend!!:)

Tapline said...

AI, Thaks for the visit. It is my understanding that the Cemetary committee has recinded their memo on the Flagfolding ceremony. The whole country was up in arms. These malcontents don't realize that 85 to 90% of the peoples in the US are Christian and the Nation was founded on a Judeo-Christian foundation. I admit they can be pushed, but be very careful, there will be a reckoning....stay well....