Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Special treatment for illegals?????

Watching the News last night, I listened to a report about towns that have passed sanctuary for illegals. Isn't this against the law, to pass laws locally or in states that try to negate federal laws. Seems like the tail is wagging the dog. What governmental agency is responsible for investigating such blatant disregard for Federal law. It is my understanding that local law enforcement cannot even call INS. This is crazy. If they don't like the laws of the land, vote someone in to try to change them, although I doubt if they will get very far in the present climate and Illegal Immigration, but they can try. I say the Federal Government should cut of all federal funding to this town or state until they come in line with our current federal laws. 'The Feds regularly cut funding on states that do not fall in line with their policies and laws, why not now???.


Anonymous said...


Tapline, long time no read you. In ref to the illegals. National City, California [San Diego County] became a sanctuary for illegals. The mayor of National City said he would not waste a penny from tax payers moneys to enforce immigrations law because that is a job of the federal government. On the East Coast, the city of New Haven, CT is issuing ID cards to illegals. And the beat goes on.

Have a fine EAST COAST evening!

Paul Champagne said...

Both parties are attempting to curry favor with Hispanic voters, so they are too chicken-sh%t to get tough on illegals. The thing is that legal Hispanics don't want illegal immigration either ... it actually hurts them and their income more than anyone else.

David said...

Sounds good to me. Cutting the umbilical cord will make them grow up!

Think if all the useless programs got cut...! Oh, that would be great!

Tapline said...

Thanks for the visit. Yes, we have a few cities. Portland Maine being one of them. But, what can one expect from the representation they get in Washington??? I do not know what the employment rate is in Maine, but I can bet it is high.....and the disability rate higher.....So Californias' don't want to burden the taxpayers they just burden the federal government. Who are the ones passing some of these welfare bills . for illegals
Paul, Thanks for the visit. I fear you are right, they are also the ones that talk a good game, but when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, they fold.
Thanks for the visit...I don't know about the umbilical cord, but I wish someone would start enforcing the laws that are already on the books and we will go from there. They should also let the agents loose to do their jobs and advise law enforcement to do the same. If one doesn't see this invasion as hurtful to the United States, I say go to Mexico City and try to get around in a taxi, without paying a muggers fee, If you do your one of the lucky ones. If you think they left that mentality in Mexico think again.....Politicians with more money than sense are running wild in Washington, without looking at the long term consequences,and we are unfortunately, allowing it. Coinsidently, Where is GWB these, Oh!!!that's right he's having a get together with, OH! My!!Mexice's president and NO!!Canada's PM. About what,,,,,,!!???North American Union.....???? I wonder how much money that's going to cost us... They probably will agree on a number of illegal aliens that would be acceptable to The US yearly. I'm being sarcastic. But, realistically, with the Cultural Identity and Multiculturalist, there is no National Identity any more. That started to leave many years ago and will do nothing but, continue, unless the majority steps up to the plate and says, that's enough!!Treason is a word of the past. Enough treasonable behavior has been spewed over the last few years by both our politicians and government workers to fill an auditorium. Nothing has been done to stop this behavior,
People talk about Reaganism. They were against him when he tried to stop the murdering Islamist, The outcry was deafening. ;;;I ramble,,,,,stay well...

Anonymous said...

i like tail wagging dogs. they are cute!
thanks very much for stopping by :)

Tapline said...

nike, Thanks for stopping by and adding your comments>>>

Paul Champagne said...

Actually, we have all the immigration laws we need already ... and probably some we don't. All we need now is for someone to grow a spine and start enforcing them.

Tapline said...

I agree with you and I must say I think other people agree also, however, the powers that be will no enforce these laws, in fact, they are passing laws, they being towns or states allowing illegal immigration. I do not understand it, but then again what is Bush doing meeting with mexico and canada. Im sure that open borders are a part and parcel of the North American Union......How would this effect people not of mexican or canadian citizenship,,??????Could be all wrong, but.....we will see........

David said...

Unfortunately we know that all the people who benefit the most from illegal immigration are lining their pockets with $$$$$$$$ and in turn lining the pockets of the politicians! $$$$$$ is more powerful than any single voting block-unless that block is the whole of the United States voters...all fed up!

Tapline said...

Thanks for the visit. You are 100% correct, but unfortunately, this will not stop right away they are so stuck on themselves and nothing seems to get through to them. They being our elected officials. I do not know what will stop this unless the population starts to rebel and vote them out of office. Unfortunately, the majority of people that we sent down there are good, or were good people. I think the majority have lost their way and not paid attention to us-uns. I wrote mine about the treasonous behavior being displayed in releasing classified information to the news media and was told in return correspondance that whistle blowing was OK. Now, I guess that she decided that that was whistle blowing.,,,,How,,,,????I don't know... That's Washington thinking,,,I guess.... Nuff said..I ramble...stay well....

Paul Champagne said...

There are also towns making laws against illegals ... these are being fought tooth and nail by the ACLU. Damn the ACLU have good lawyers, and what town can afford all the litigation to fight them.

Tapline said...

thanks again for the visit. I know the ACLU fights where they shouldn't be involved. I would like to know who funds them. Seems like when they first started they were fighting against system for the underdog. Now they seem to be fighting against America. Not the system per se. Unless you count America as the system. I don't see them coming in on the side of the Christians, but they certainly are in there against them. It's time to look at that organization more closely..Just where are they comimg from??????!!