Friday, August 3, 2007


I have been away for a couple of weeks, but came back just in time to read an essay from"the Fjordman Report" posted on "gates of Vienna" It was an excellent article about what has bothered me for quite some time. In fact, I wrote an article a while back about Multiculturalism. I didn't do the analysis that was done in the article as written by Fjordman. I suggest that anyone who is interested in what is happening in Europe and to a lesser degree America to give this site a visit and read what I have described. I assure you it is a good read. The article is titled "The EU and the Globalist Alliance."


Paul Champagne said...

Multiculturism is a good idea on the face of it ... but in practice, when two different cultures try to merge ... neither survives.

Tapline said...

thanks for the comment. I have been away for a period of time, just got back. i don't listen to the news while I'm away so I have to get caught up when I get home. stay well...

Paul Champagne said...

Did you ever think about writing about these adventures you go on all the time? It could be like a James Bond novel ... "Names Line, TapLine and I have a lisence to Blog"

Tapline said...

Paul, I appreciate your comments and it must seem that I have traveled extensively, however that was in the past. In fact 3o odd years ago. Then my traveling stopped and I entered a new career for another 28 years. I am now retired and very bored....Except for my blogging and that occupies my time along with my grandchildren and wife of 49 years. I ramble,,,stay well