Never in my lifetime would I ever have thought it possible they would initiate policies for our military that could and very possibly would kill our troops in harms way. It is my understanding that troops now must read "Miranda Rights" to the enemy upon capture. Have we lost our minds??? Bottom line, and I love the way politicians talk around this subject, they are so subjective. Policies of this magnatitude will kill our military before they know what hit them. Also I would hope the Department of Defense will be holding manditory classes for every recrut on what are the remifications of discharging a weapon even in your own defense on the battlefield and all the other legal ramifications of protecting America. Do they take an interpreter with on the battlefield?? Or perhaps a lawyer in one pocket and a civilian criminal law book in the other? UCMJ? what is that? Are we still using that? I'm sure we still have "Rules of Engagement", but we won't go there.
It is high time that we bring our troops home. We cannot protect them from ourselves and they cannot be placed in a situation where everything they do can lead to undetermined conclusions!!!!...If indeed this latest is true?? Bring them home. We can no longer be, the world policeman.
Crabby, I know you answered to my title post,,,now here's the rest of it....Sorry....
Tapline, I could not believe my eyes when I first read about this bullshit. Will that give the ACLU and the gitmo mob an excuse for dismissals on the grounds that they weren't read their rights? What kind of a complete moron do we have running this show? Every time he says or does something, it gets worse!
As I said AA, I am not the originator of this I read somewhere about a politician going overseas and was advised of this by someone he spoke to. I can only hope it isn't true and if it is, I can only reiterate "Bring them home". Even under Bush it was bad as far as the Rules of engagement and other restrictions coming from Washington tied a commanders hands. It must be a heck of a feeling, not knowing who your enemy is, It takes me back to Vietnam, when your shoeshine boy would change his daily clothes for a black set of duds and at the end of the day to fight us as Viet Cong. . Living like that day after day was a heck of a strain. I ramble ....stay well
OK Philippe .. I be finally "signed-on" .. my Blog-a-saurus nom-d'-plume is STDM ... you KNOW hoo diss izz !!
Oh Yea!! Finally, after how long.....Great seeing you and hope you change your mind about saying Chow......
STDM sounds interesting. When can we expect his first post? Or, will he remain totally anonymous and make an occasional comment on your blog? I think...he has a story to tell!!
I can no longer make any semblance of an intelligent comment. Everything has spiralled beyond my realm of politicism.
I continue to rely on Tapline and others for political instruction.
Stay well and peace to your household...
You better be sorry...........LOL
Good post my friend
Jackie, Hang in there people need your active Christianity to remind us who is in charge....stay well...
We all want to bring our troops home, but when the time is right and when the job is done.
God Bless our troops I love them and they want to to the job just as much as we do.
jackie, as far as STDM is concerned, God knows, but as you gleaned from his comments he is an intelligent being who could add much to political debate if he would only become energized..I would think that with the changes we are experiencing every day that should move a mountain....stay well..
My Files: Thanks for stopping by and your Words of Wisdom....stay well
I ain't got no blog, Thanks for stopping by. I did read your Blog post and left a comment. To respond to your comment. The point I was trying to make is that if one removes a tool or activity from a soldiers bag of tricks. He is weaker and if he is weaker on the battlefield, he could think before pulling a trigger. That split second could cost him his life. Half those idiots we voted into office never think of ramifications on the troops. Just look at the political football of the Pictures...unreal a matter of troop safety....They just don't care..Another tidbit...look at the publicity of the murdered soldier. Where was the outrage?>>I ramble.....stay well.....
Yo Tappa-Dude ..
Twice now, (tooce to youse) I has posted comments on this heyuh blog .. but then .. naaa-daa .. not posted .. wuzzup wiff dat ?? I thought you wanted more participation .. Me-thinks yer Google-Gremlin is knee-capp'n me . N"est pas?
Anonymous, STDM,,,,,Don't know this came through OK.....Are you using your Name/URL to get the comments over???? if so all you need to type is your STDM in that blank. typing in your URL is optional....If your signed should only have to hit publish.....
I am too outraged by this turn of events. Our soldiers should return immediately and not be deployed again until they are either trained as a military force or a police force, but not both. Policing is way out of the duties of a soldier. It'll get them killed trying to do something they aren't trained to do.
Remember them counting off near your barracks and suddenly a rocket attack follows?
Crises like Iran and North Korea tell us that the world needs a global policeman, and it is America's interest to assume this role continually.
The problem is, current president is Barack Carter Obama who is in self-denial of Americaness as he remarked in Prague and Cairo.
By the way, sorry I was too lazy. I have replied to your comments on my blog.
hey there Tap!..great to see ya again at WHT..I know this situation has become sooooo untenable!..Pray for new leadership in 4 yrs my friend!!!
Tapline we need to hear more from you, been missing Your Post
Angel, thanks for stopping by. I really do not want to wait until 2012 to watch as my country cut to pieces by inches and no one is trying to stop this freight train, that is out of control. If some of the Republicans are concerned about the direction other are pushing us then why don't they do something about it????? They don't care enough!!!Unity of purpose must be a priority. vote out the people who do not care what is happening in Washington. Startin with 2010 elections.....That does no good with my Rinos', but there are others out their. Don't be fooled by their retoric...Vote them out.....I'm rambling again Sorry......stay well...
Crabby, There use to be many avenues I could investigate to get material that I could build on,but now I don't know what has happened to much of it......I understand Congress just passed a hate crime law, That's really great, evidently they haven't been watching Canada and their tribunals lately,,,Do they think this country will be any different....I don't think so....wait for the other shoe to drop.....prosecutions galore and not by whom they were spouting needed this type legislation.....again look North my friend.....Stay well....and pray a lot.....This nation needs all the prayer it can get.....
I understand your frustration, your hopelessness, and fear of the direction of our beloved country. But if we give up and stop trying, where are we then? What we're saying is..." win. We lose. We are at your mercy."
I'm fearful also; not only of the state of our nation but the state of affairs in my small realm of the world which is right here in my hometown.
It's difficult, but I have to claim the words of the writer of Hebrews which says:
"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded, YOU NEED TO PERSEVERE so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." Hebrews 10:35-36 (NIV)
We have to keep on keeping on. I'm with Crabby; we need to hear more from you. We're all in this together.
Jackie, Thanks for the uplift.... I know of what you speak, but, I guess my roots of christianity are not as deeply secured as yours. In one breath I believe God will make it better, then something else happens and doubts arise....My Niece, God bless her soul, says these are the last days and just pray about the situation. Again, I still worry....Does this make sense???? stay well.....
Hey TAP! to see u at WHT..hang in there my friend!!
Bring troops home, and then, Barack Carter Obama will win another Nobel Peace Prize!
Shah, Thanks for stopping by.....Yeah! like he deserves this award????In reading of this award, I have read little about If our Constitution addresses acceptance of gifts etc while in office?????.....stay well.....
Yo Tapper-Dude ..
Weeze back to square zero agin .. I've tried to post comments but 4 sum reezen yer blog-o-saurus filter is knot ledd'n me dewwit ... so solly ... maybe tommollee ? I dunno .. will juss use "Anonymoose" and you kno hoo diss izz eh ? BTW .. gedda holt oh me on the regular mail site and lemme kno wha'happ'nd wiff dat "other situation" you came over to discuss a wile bacq .. have been hoping for good news ..
s/STDM ..
STDM, Nothing to report.....about the situation.....but maybe it takes time,,,,whatever.....Your anomonous came thru fine....I'm going to put you on my Blogspot list and see it that helps.....although I can't Blog you because you do not have an active blogspot address...I don't think
thanks for all the visits and comments TAP!!!
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