Sunday, May 31, 2009

Some things just do not feel right???

I am not a conspiracy nut, but for quite some time I have not had good feelings about what is happening in the field of Politics. It seems like our elected officials are not listening to their constituents for no apparent reason other than they will not even respond to quaries. The Federal Government has taken control of businesses and dictating policies Firing CEO's and dictaing salaries to employees of these companies....Many, many changes have been instituted and according to the Glen Beck program, I believe, 14 different czars have been created by the Exective Branch of Government. The most recent being an internet czar. His duties,,,,,I do not know, but I do know that a short time ago a bill was entered by a Democrat and Olympia Snow, Republican, I don't know its content, but the way things are happening I think I am becoming gunshy. The bill might be still in committee? Just saying????

Recently I read an article from Pravda Ru, A Russian Newspaper written in English, referring to America as being well on its way to "Marxism". I'm not saying I agree with everything that is contained in this article, but much seems to hit the Nail.........

Also most recently, I read a few articles on Michelle Malkin about Acorn. Michelle gives reference to another site that one might enjoy about this subject. It is posted on the "Capital Research Center", "Foundation Watch"site. The title is "Acorn: Who funds the Weather Underground's little brother?" by Matthew Vodum. This article is an eye opener, if it hasn't been removed!!


Average American said...

Tapline, NOTHING seems right ever since that socialist took up temporary residency at the White House. I can't believe the American voters were SO stupid last November. I sure hope they are learning a lesson and won't soon forget it!

crabby old man said...


tapline said...

AA, Thanks for stopping by...The sad part of this whole mess it that they still are asleep....I pray they awaken slowly.....For this nations sake....
Crabby,,,I think your right....stay well.....

Always On Watch said...

It seems like our elected officials are not listening to their constituents...

Agreed. We the People are in a situation of having to endure a total disconnect with our government.

So, what's next?

Knuckling under to socialism? Revolution? Is the latter even POSSIBLE? After all, the media are in the pocket of this administration.

Meanwhile, BHO and this Dem Congress are going about the business of destroying America as we know it!

When BHO was elected, I knew that hard times were coming. But I never imagined the speed of the journey along the road to socialism!

Tapline said...

AOW, recently, I was in a very small town in Maine and decided to visit a cousin. She informed me that a neighbor had a visit from the FBI because he had voiced his opinion of the president and someone OVERHEARD his conversation and reported him, whereupon the very unpleasant visit....If you have any knowledge of the brown shirts and The communist secret service and other countries security agencies you can really relate to these unpleasant, but never considered it in the United States let alone a small town in Maine......stay well...

KEvron said...



Gayle said...

It's worse than Obama being a socialist. He's a fascist! Did you hear Hugo Chavez say he's to the right of Obama? I think he may be correct. Just in case you didn't hear it, hear's the web address:,2933,525055,00.html

tapline said...

KEvron, Thanks for stopping by

Gayle, Don't weed to much in the heat....Wait until dusk,,,It's cooler.....I know and some of his retoric is unbelievable. Can't some curb this crumbling of everything we hold dear????..