Saturday, May 30, 2009

The information just keeps rolling in!!!

I knew things were changing rapidly, but to what extent,,,,,I couldn't keep my mind from spinning then a friend sent me a copy of what appears to be a newpaper front page....It is listed as english pravda ru., now whether or not it is authentic,,,I don't know but ....It speaks to marxist America happening fast......


Jackie said...

Yes, Tap...the paper is authentic.

May 30, 2009 ... Daily news about events in Russia. In English, Russian, Italian and Portuguese.

crabby old man said...

The ground was broken for marxism with the New Deal of FDR and each time the Democrats were elected we kept jumping in that direction.It seems to me the voters are brain dead & just vote for what benefits them. What may be good for Crabby,may not be good for the nation.I'm really worried about the way this nation is headed.The Federal Gov. should only be responsible for a militia & foreign affairs. You can tell that I'm for states rights.The Federal gov has too much control & are disregarding the constitution.
X the spelling

Gayle said...

I read the article you're referring to, Tap, and as Jackie said, it is authentic.

Here's the url to the article I believe you are referring to.

WomanHonorThyself said...

lets pray we can undo this in the next election! have a great weekend my friend!:)

Tapline said...

Jackie, Thanks, I didn't know If it was an actual one or something made know how it goes????Thanks for stopping by.

Crabby, Actually Franklin wa a great friend to Stalin, unlike Gen. Patten......stay well....

Gayle, Thanks for the complete link..The article hits the nail, where it should be..or should I say shouldn't be!!!Thanks for stopping by....

Angel,The only way to do it and do it starting now, is to change the Congress and I mean Change. mine are till spouting for socialized medicine and neither are spring chickens..Of course Euthenasia is next on the list....."Soilent Green" anyone...We can't afford the baby boomers! They are living too long and driving up medical costs!!!... Wipe the slate clean...See my next post....and give me your pearls of wisdom!!! Our usage of the internet will be curtailed, shortly, and counting....3....2....1..............