Friday, October 30, 2009

Whereare the H1N1 shots??

It has been many months since I have posted because I have been completely obsorbed with the changes we have been exposed to since "the one" has occupied the highest office in this land that I love.....My question to Health and Human Services Czar!! Where are the shots we were told would be readily available in October??? I mean we were going to have plenty,,,enough to sent overseas,,,REally,,,, Recently, I heard of medical emergencies in a couple of states. Locally, schools are beginning to close.....No serum available,,,,even for regular flu shots????? I have read that we in America only have one company making the serum and three others overseas.... "People are dying and the Health department can only estimate how many people have the disease.....ESTIMATE....Who is keeping track of this epidemic??????How many cases do we have?????Where are they?????The information I have received is Sneeze in your sleave and if you have flu like symptoms stay home. That's really great,,,how about hiring more companies to make the serum....... A preview of Government run healthcare?????God help us!!


Susannah said...

Good questions, all, Tapline. Isn't it interesting that when flu vaccine was in limited supply during the Bush Admin., not Swine flu but regular ol' flu, the word in the press was - GWB hates children & the elderly!!!! He's trying to kill our citizens by witholding medical care!!!

Now, when the SAME thing happens to BHO, for the SAME reasons (production problems), BHO is a Mastermind for calling a National Emergency...what a joke!


Joe said...

Wait! Wait! You mean just because they said there would be plenty of vaccine; just because President BO has proclaimed a national health emergency; just because they haven't told the truth about almost anything yet you don't trust them with our health care?

Good move.

Tapline said...

Susannah, thanks for stopping by....Government run media will do nothing to detract from how wonderful Health Care will be under Government control...I say clean house to make a healthier enviornment...stay well
Joe,, I just keep shaking my head,,Soon I will have shaking head syndrome. Thanks for stopping by...stay well...

Paul Champagne said...

Our Pharmacist-N-Chief didn't realize that most of our vacines are now made over-seas. If he had, I'm sure he would have realized that these foreign companies would give the vacines to THEIR OWN PEOPLE FIRST!

That's what happens when you make it too expensive to do business in the USA.

crabby old man said...

The gov. needs to get out of the medical field , all they need to be involved in is foreign affairs & mainting militia

Tapline said...

Crabby, Brother,your back...Hope everything went OK....God Bless...Ref your comment....The government screws up everything it touches, usually by design. By that I mean, Although I havent verified this.. Concerning the regular flu shots, seems a bill was passed by congress to allow lawyers to sue drug companies who,made only a minimum profit, manifacturing this stuff, This threat of possible litigation for a bad shot, turned off many drug companies from making it , hence not enough serum..,thanks to this bill, anything to feather the pockets of the lawyers, but don't protect a company or the public's health. after all they have big pockets and There are many people in the US that do not contribute to society I ramble,,,you get the Idea!!!....stay well.....