Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Hampshire has it right?

As I was traveling in New Hampshire a couple of days ago, I was listening to the radio and heard a commentator talking to a State Representative who had submitted a Continuing Resolution to the New Hampshire House concerning the States rights and the Constitution. Seems this Resolution details what the state should do if the Federal Government should try to overstep their bounds more than they already have. Not that it is anything binding, but,,,,, It seems that there are about 20 states that have already done something similar ? If anyone is interested the resolution is located here: Have a good read.....


Z said...

Hi, Tapline...Couldn't get into the link...the gov't has SO overstepped its bounds in 2 weeks, it's stunning.......I wouldn't blame any state with a healthy budget for ABDICATING, frankly!!! :-)
have a good day!

Tapline said...

Z Thanks for stopping by. Try this link. I believe it's the same, but I cut and pasted this one.....

Jackie said...

Mr. Tap:

I couldn't get in with the links either but I kept reducing the information until I accessed the New Hampshire General court.

I don't know how to insert a live link so it will need to be copied and pasted. And too, it will require more browsing to get to the pertinent information you mentioned.

Joe said...

Gotta love the spirit of NH!

Tapline said...

Joe, You have that right....If only it was more than a Resolution, ar should we call it a shot across the bow??? stay well...

Average American said...

Tapline, I saw this last week. It should send a strong message, but NObama won't pay any attention to it and the other states doing it. Besides, how much you want to bet it will never pass the House. To bad though, it was a good idea.

Tapline said...

AA, Thanks for stopping by.....Knowing the people of New Hampshire, I think it's a little too early to get passed,but wait a while and I think people will see what they have to contend with and that will be quite a show....stay well...

Jackie said...

"Republican Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire abruptly withdrew his nomination as commerce secretary Thursday, citing "irresolvable conflicts" with President Barack Obama's handling of the economic stimulus and 2010 census".

Yes, I would say New Hampshire "has it right"~

Tapline said...

Jackie, I could hardly believe it when I heard it on the Radio driving home this afternoon. Someone has some b...s left in Washington, I thought they were all neutered in order to run for office. Ir seemed that way anyway....Thanks for stopping by...stay well...

Unknown said...

Hey I read your site if you come to mine.

Yea I heard about the resolution from Glenn Beck. I agree with you on that is interesting. He has this great values and princples project that acts as a decoder ring for what went wrong with any particluar item.
Thanks for letting my plug my site

Tapline said...

John, I stopped by your site...excellent post on our present situation. Gone is the past and much much more. I hope the merry-go-round stops soon. I'm really dizzy trying to keep track of the changes....Changes you can believe in. Standby for a ram on our ability to blog ...I'm sure they are working on ways to curb our ability to speak out.... also.....Am I awake!!!!!!stay well.....

Jackie said...

I know you've heard, even said this many times in the past little while, but it's beyond my comprehension how our Senators/Representatives could vote on a bill that they haven't even read! I've heard any number of them admit they hadn't read it, and still they voted for it. I'm appalled, I'm scared! I'm in a state of shock and still trying to hang on to the promise of protection that God gives us. but we must persevere

Tapline said...

Jackie, Probably most of our elected officials don't read the legislation they vote for, but the majority have staff that really sift through this stuff. In this case it was politics and power. Anything else I don't know. stay well ......