Sunday, February 8, 2009

And I'm still Wondering ?

I believe it was either the late last spring or fall a representative of the United States Census Bureau came by and introduced herself to me advising who she was and that she had a survey she would like to go over with me. I answered the questions to the best of my ability. We met again and more questions were asked and questions to confirm what had been answered before was still relevant. Before leaving she said we had to meet once more and would I be available during the summer. I advised I was leaving for camp in the spring and would be back and forth throughout the summer......While at camp I received another call from the Census Taker to confirm what had transpired before and updated as needed. I believe a supervisor called to confirm that I had been contacted and how long I had talked to the first census taker etc..etc...

A couple of days ago, I received another call from the Census Bureau, This Taker asked me to confirm some of the information I had been asked previously and then started asking questions concerning my employment or unemployment,...If I was working or wanted work,,,Did I have a disability to prevent me from income and where it came from Social Security Income, Interest payments, Veteran Administration Disability payments, Heath Insurance, IRA's or other assets and other personal information...Needless to say by this time,because my wife had all this information readily available for income tax time, that I could answer these questions. I finally asked if they did not have access to this information elsewhere, (knowing they were a government agency.) She said no, nor do they release information to anyone else and I then said why they needed all this information, I don't remember what she said other than I could complete it on line If I was not comfortable doing it on the phone. because of the questions I was fairly sure I was talking to a government employee so I continued, but toward the end of the survey I was really uncomfortable because I felt they were infriging on my right to privacy. I didn't mind the first round of questions, but this was reallly the nitty gritty and I was not comfortable. I don't mind if they say is your income between 50,000 to 75,000 or whatever, but to ask weekly amount, monthly amount or yearly amount is a little to cut and dried for me. Well, I got concerned after giving all this information over the phone and called telephone information with the telephone number. They said they could not give me the information because it was an 877 number and that was a toll free number....What that means I don't know, so I went on line and sure enough the Census Bureau gets all this information and much much more. Accoriding to on line information we are obligated to give the information they request. What kind of 1984 country do we live in???? Then, on the Fox news, the only network to cover it was.....The Census Bureau has now been transferred to the Exectutive Branch of government, away from the Congress....I just scratch my head and wonder, Income,,,,Health Insurance,,,, What has this to do with how many in your household and their ages...... Now.... The Light shines on Marble Head.......


Jackie said...

Among other things, I have been so burdened with the new administration's plan to obliterate all paper trail to medical records. Everything will go online to be administered by "whoever" is appointed. This is scarey as Hades to me. If only we can survive the 4 years of this administration!

(glad to see you posting again.)

crabby old man said...

Glad to see Your back posting.the whole government stinks. All the federal gov. should be involved in is foreign affairs & maintain a Miltia.
Obama was right we do need a change ,but not his way with The USA turning into a NANNY STATE. The change should be less gov.

Tapline said...

Crabby, Thanks for stopping by. This whole government this worries the Cra. out of me.....I went to your web site last night and couodn't get in for some reason. I'll try again later...stay well...