Saturday, May 3, 2008

Who is watching out for our interest???

Thursday, I believe it was, someone asked Senator McCain about drilling in Alaska. His answer was not at all what one would expect from a man who is suppose to represent all America. Special Interest seem have put blinders on our Republican candidate. Who is he representing when he likened drilling in the Alaskan Wilderness to drilling in a National park ie: Yellowstone. To me it still wouldn't matter. We are like the lemmings heading for the precipice. It looks like none of our representatives are going to help us. I can remember during WWII, In the U.S. gas was rationed and in short supply, as was many other staples. Germany on the other hand, kept its war machine going with an artificial gas, much like the South African today. We cannot manufacture this product because of restrictions placed on the industry by our elected officials. It is a derivitive of coal, of which we have much, I heard a figure of something, like 200 Billion barrels. Glen Beck had a governor on his TV program the other night. The Governor stated there was one company who was manufacturing this product. Originally, there were 200 planned, but that plan went by the wayside. I believe the cost to put this product on the market was $50.00 a barrel. (not positive on the cost)
When are the citizens of this great nation going to demand representation from those sworn to do so? I can remember the term "coal oil", but that was where it ends. I'll look it up and do an update.....Just rambling and wondering when America is going to hold those accountable, to account????? One of the biggest problems is prices are increasing and I am on a fixed income, that is not increasing. McCain has his gas given to him in Washington, I wonder if he ever stops a normal gas station???????


Jackie said...

When are the citizens of this great nation going to demand representation from those sworn to do so?

I have been wondering...Does the faulty character of our representation spread from the top to the bottom; or does it spread from the bottom upwards. We face the same problem with the "leadership" of our town. It seems that no matter who is elected to local and county offices, with a good platform of issues to attend, it doesn't take long for them to bend to the will of a few who are willing and able to 'shell out the money' or 'shell out the favors'. The citizenship has lost control and won't take a stand for fear of losing their own standing in the community...whatever that may be. We have a great Municipal Judge who is trying to make a difference but has no support from lack of a city attorney and clerk. Our Chamber of Commerce is being held together by one volunteer man who has been searching for lost funds, donations, etc. He can't get the Board together to have a meeting. Talking about rambling....I ramble.

I'm working on a post for my blog concerning these issues. I don't know if it will make a difference or not but I feel like it's time. I don't have that many local readers. I can relate to Jesus not preaching in his hometown...

Tapline said...

Inspired, thanks for stopping by...It has to start somewhere. words to the editor does wonders in small towns also becoming involved and making your voice heard in civic affairs. Of course you are way ahead of some others,,,God is in your corner!! stay well...I responded to your judge, but never got a reply

BoBo said...

Excellent post. I have been denouncing this idiot on my blog for quite some time. I'm an avid Glenn Beck listener and watcher as well. Anyway, McCain is an idiot if he thinks he can get the conservative vote by pandering to the left and the lefty interest groups.

No, he doesn't stop at the same gas stations. All Congressmen and Senators get leased vehicles, insurance, and gas all paid by we taxpayers. The reason it is not an issue for them is because they don't really have to pay the $100/wk that it takes to fill up the tank twice to get back and forth to your job. They are all way out of touch..and so is this so-called "presidential" candidate. He's not MY candidate.

Tapline said...

BObo, thanks for stopping by. and yes, we pay for their driving and their cars from what i understand....stay well.....

WomanHonorThyself said...

hiya Tap!..When are the citizens of this great nation going to demand representation from those sworn to do so? ....probably never if the Libs maintain power my friend!

Nightcrawler said...

We need to take a page from Ronaldus Maximus' playbook... all of those good, honorable folks in politics need to go directly to the public, explain who is hosing them, how they are getting hosed and what can be done to fix it. There will be a shouting match, to be sure, but in the end, common sense solutions will win out over rhetoric if we are loud, consistent and if we remain positive. Let the other people do the shrieking and screaming and foaming at the mouth, we'll win over the people in the meantime.

crabby old man said...

This election anyway it goes it's a no win situation.But mcCain is still the lesser evil of the three options left
We still need someone that will have programs to help cut use of foreign oil, The liberal politicians & tree huggers are helping making sure we have to depend on foreign oil.
JB williams has a good editorial about this,& I just posted it on my blog.
I think his is the link to the aricle if not go to my blog

Tapline said...

Angel, Thanks for stopping by. I think you are right....But the more people talk the more they are forced to listen....Hit them in the pocket book and people start to talk and want results.....stay welll....

Nightcrawler, Thanks for stopping by...I'll add you to my blog list if it's ok with you....Great Idea your comments ....Now to implement the plan.....

Crabby, Thanks for stopping by Crabby, I'll take a mosey down your way and have a look see...stay well....

Gayle said...

I agree with you, Tap. I'm frustrated about this issue too. I don't understand why McCain doesn't get it. If people get pushed down financially so hard they can't even afford to drive to work then there's going to be hell to pay in this country!

Anonymous said...

Thought provoking post, Tapper! Keep it up!

durano lawayan a.k.a. brad spit said...

Hi Tap,

If you make a summary of all comments here, it comes down to one thing: people cannot leave it to politicians to watch out for their interests. Politicians will take care of their interests ( ensure that contributions from big business continues by giving favors, etc.), the people's interest will have to be looked out for by the people themselves.

It is the people's collective will and determination to effect changes and improvements that will compel these officials to act.Complacency must not take root. Remember the forefathers words: "Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty".

By the way, I have taken no offense nor hard feelings about your comments. We've been exchanging opinions for sometime and I welcome all types. Feel free, its the benefit of democracy Tap. You're more than welcome anytime my friend. :-) --Durano, done!

Tapline said...

Gayle, Thanks for stopping by.. You and me both can't understand. I think maybe its the big "M" word, but from where...Big Oil or Enviornment. Big Oil has been trying different ways to extract oil in a few states, but we don't hear too much about that. Of course China will buy all of the oil shale in Canada, Then maybe it will wake up some of our fat cat Politicians......stay well....

DD..Thanks for the encouragement, but normally I blog about what is concerning me at the time. Whether or not it sinks in depends on the reader. If I strike a light,,I'm happy..

Durano, Thanks for stopping by. Your comments were spot on. As I said, I enjoy blogging , and would not intentionally offend in responding to a post. I was not expecting the retort, I received nor the other responders remarks and grammar lesson. I guess that comes with the territory...anyway as Scarlett said in "Gone With the Wind" "Tomorrow is another day" ......"I ramble"......stay well...

Law and Order Teacher said...

Nice job on questioning McCain's refusal to drill in ANWAR. This is an issue I disagree with McCain on. Something has to be done and hopefully he will realize that if he puts forth a plan to increase the supply by drilling while looking at alternatives other that ethanol, I think he has a winner. Simple economics state if you increase supply price goes down.

Tapline said...

L&O Teach, Thanks for stopping by...The whole issue of drilling, power plants, was talked about years ago and still got nowhere. Life will not be as we know it now in a very short time. The cost to survive will be placed out of reach by most Americans, I say this because if you start adding the cost of doing business with the rise in fuel cost it will be astronomical just to survive. Our elected leaders better start to wake up and smell the coffee, it's fast approaching..stay well....

Anonymous said...

You know that ANWAR is not the Oil utopia that you may feel it is...Yes, there are millions of barrels sitting there. But, and a big but, the US government estimates there is about 4 billion to 12 billion barrels there. . That may sound like a hell of a lot. But is really is just a drop in the bucket, (pardon the pun) , in the US, we use about 7 billion gallons a year. That means, in ANWAR there is maybe 2 to maybe 2 years worth of oil there likely less. The government report says the mean amount of oil likely recoverable is 7 to 8 billion barrels. Enough for one year or perhaps a bit longer . When you consider that it takes about 3 years to get an oil field up and running, it reaches peak production about 3 years after that, and then closes in another few years as the cost of extraction becomes more than the profit. It seems very short sighted to me to drill at ANWAR when it is about a years worth of oil. I think we'd be much better off looking for alternative energy sources that would truly make us independent from the Middle East and not a stop gap measure that would last about year. I felt the way that you do about it until I did the research . I would think that if there was a utopia of oil there John McCain would not have voted it down.
I suggest that you might want to do a little more research before you start forming opinions and calling WELL INFORMED people Idiots.

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

A stimulating post Tap, keep it up and take care...

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

dd2 makes a good point. Unfortunately for McCain, he's not making it. Instead, like his class warfare rhetoric when he opposed the Bush taxcuts, he uses the rhetoric of Democrats and liberals when he draws comparisons of drilling in the Alaskan wilderness as being akin to drilling in a place like Yellowstone National Park. Doesn't it amount to less than 4% of the Alaskan Wilderness that is being looked at for drilling?

Tapline said...

dd2, Thanks friend, for advising me I am not informed and that I should not resort to name calling people who are "BETTER INFORMED", or my betters??. It is my understanding that McCain cast the deciding vote to stop the drilling in ANWR. nough said....

AI, Thanks for stopping by and the encouragement.

Tapline said...

Word, Thanks for stopping by....Your spot on.....stay well...

WomanHonorThyself said...

have a great weekend Tap!

Tapline said...

angel, Thanks, I will If my lungs hold out, I have COPD and its really giving me some concern today.... stay well...

Jackie said...

Tapline...are you alright? Your last comment to angel leaves me (and probably others) with concern. You have many friends out here whose names you don't even know and this one is praying for you, at this moment. Peace to you...

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

COPD??? Not nice Tap, hope you are coping well with it...Stay well...

Tapline said...

inspired, Thanks for your concern. I just have a mixup on my inhalers....allergic to nuts and it wouldn't allow a refill.....Now they're checking with the company.....stay well...Thanks also for the prayers....

AI, Thanks also for your concern. I have an emergency backup inhaler, just in case I need it and I am still responding to inhalers...(Thanks God)....stay well...

Anonymous said...


Only $4.09 9/10 on the nearest gas station [warning, this is California]. I was not expecting the gas price to hit 4 dollars until AFTER the Memorial Day or 4the of July holiday. Be careful out there and thanks for reading.

Tapline said...

My Nephew and Niece came in from San Diego today. They said gas was cheaper there than here...Maybe in LA it's higher????stay well....

Seane-Anna said...

Hello Tap! I couldn't agree more with this post. I can remember hearing something about coal-to-oil technology back in the '80's. I also remember hearing something in a documentary about Nazi Germany using said technology during WWII. Hey, if the Nazis and the South Africans had enough sense to know they needed to be free from foreign sources of fuel, what the hell's wrong with us?!

Let's see, all the politicians say we need to be energy independent but then say we can't drill in ANWAR; we can't drill off our coasts; we can't set up wind farms that might spoil Ted Kennedy's view; we can't make oil from coal; and we can't use nuclear energy. So, how the hell are we supposed to become energy independent?!

I don't mean to sound conspiritorial but I'm beginning to believe that the environmentalist movement was never about protecting the environment but was and is about crippling America by keeping her dependent on foreign oil. What do you think, Tap? Stay well.

Anonymous said...

I think the answer to in-spired's question is that it begins with the voters. First, voters are not well informed about the people they are voting for. Next, most officials are elected by a minority of eligible voters, so it is possible for a local official to achieve election with less than 50% of the vote. Finally, if every citizen kept thinking that elected officials cannot be trusted out of sight, and if they held these crooks accountable, then perhaps in time we could find candidates who were worthy of the trust and confidence we place in them.

McCain is not the ideal candidate; sadly, once again we are required to choose between bad and worse. I really do think that a bank of super computers could do a better job, more efficiently, and cheaper.

Semper Fi

Tapline said...

Seane, Thanks for commenting and adding to my WOW...That's Words Of Wisdom.....stay well...

Mustang, Thanks for stopping by. I certainly enjoy reading your Post and your comments are right on...thks much....

Gayle said...

Hi Tap. I came here looking for a new post. I hope everything is okay with you and yours. Have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!

Tapline said...

Gayle, Well, first I got the flu then my wife got it or vic- versa/ tjem the antibiotics then problem with my land people encroaching. It never ends. I just haven't had the wherewithal to put some thoughts together... I do still read a lot, but my mind wanders......stay well....

Jackie said... about a post concerning the land people encroachment? just teasing...I was checking too.

Have a good Memorial Day...

Oh, while I'm here, you might visit this website

It concerns a tragedy in our town that happened last Sunday. The blog is not quite a week old so you'll need to read from the beginning to know what happened. You might even leave a comment for the family's encouragement.

Peace to you...

Tapline said...

Inspired, Thanks for stopping by..Yes I will visit the blog. Thnaks for the thoughts.....stay well, and God Bless......

Σ. Alexander said...

For the short term, drilling may solve oil shortage problem.

There are more serious concerns. OPEC nations are reluctant to increase oil production. Bio fuel causes food scarcity.

Alternative energy? President Bush mentions this these days. This is one of the recommendable measures for the long term. But it does not work immediately.

What shall we do……?

Tapline said...

Shah, Thanks for stopping by....I think in the short run drilling and any source necessary to secure oil, in the long run alternative sources must be developed and in one of the most advanced countries in the world, I think we can come up with an acceptable alternative and not ruin our food supply. The government has acted against us by giving money to farmers not to plant their fields and they are still doing it. Corn has double if not tripled,,,,not acceptable. Now polititians are trying to pass a bill S.3036 as the biggest tax increase in history and forcing the cost of gas up another dollar or so. If i was a conspiracy nut, I would say something is happening in Congress that they are keeping from us...What I do not know, but something doesn't add up......There is no common sense. Either that or they are so out of touch with the every day cost of things and just do not care....stay well.....