Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A temporary withdrawal

I am leaving to open my camp and enjoy the sunshine overlooking Union River Bay for the weekend and possibly longer depending on circumstances. From this angle it seems that nothing will be changing politically for a time....I did read something about the North American Union raising its ugly head again and other rumors of impending doom and emergency meetings of the House of Representatives etc..., but I haven't checked it out. The net that does authentication of the inforrmation have been contacted by the person sending me the E-Mail and by the time I am back he should have an answer either true, false or no information.......I'll be checking in periodically.......


Anonymous said...

Have a peaceful, relaxing time.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Enjoy yourself, Tap.

WomanHonorThyself said...

hello my friend!..enjoy the r and r..and visit WHT when ya can~!

durano lawayan a.k.a. brad spit said...

Hi Tapline,

Have a wonderful time. Relax and enjoy and forget about the messy world of politics for a while. It will also cleanse your mind of toxins from this dirty but inescapable reality. :-) --Durano, done!

Tapline said...

jackie, Thanks,,I did have a great time....

WHT....Thanks for stopping by. and Yes I had a hectic,but good time.... I'll be by...

Tapline said...

Brad, I was the surrogate, Father of the Bride this weekend and my wife was the Mother. She was from Cebu, Philippines and her groom was a son of our best friends, so we agreed to stand in the stead of her parents..... There were two of her close friends who flew in fromt he Philippines also. We had a great time.......

Anonymous said...

Hey Tap!
Where ya been? Long time no see. and your blog is a bit old.
I hope all is well.

Tapline said...

dd2, I just got back from a wedding and will be here for another month..... then back to camp for a month....God willing and the creeks don't rise......I plan to put somehting together tonight. If I can make some sense out of what is beind done in washington lately.....stay well...

Anonymous said...

Good to hear.
I'm looking forward to it.

See ya later, have a great week-end

Tapline said...

I am back until next month...but haven't got an update on this post yet....have a great weekend also...

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Hope you enjoyed the break Tap. Thanks for coming by at AI and just to let you know, I am not gone, just had to pull back a little. Hopefully will post again this week sometime. Hope you visit and thanks again....

Gayle said...

People keep telling me the NAU is only a conspiracy theory, Tap. As for me, I don't think so. Too much smoke going on for there to be no fire.

You're right about politics right now. It's going to be pundits second guessing everything and none of them having any more of a clue of anything than we have. Sometimes I think it must be nice to be payed the big bucks for sitting around spouting an opinion like the pundits do, even though at least half the time their opinion turns out to be wrong! What a job! LOL!

Have a great time! :)