The democrats have been quite silent lately, that is until the General and the ambassador were called on the carpet to explain their actions as it relates to Iraq, Iran, Afganistan, and the public perception of what has transpired in these regions. These men's perview is Iraq, Crocker being the Ambassador to Iraq and Petreus, the General in charge of the multinational forces in Iraq. They were asked questions, such as should we attack Iran. The status of Al Quida in Pakistan and similar question outside their area of responsibility. Smart those Socialist.!! As everyone knows they, the Socialist, support the troops, Well, if they support the troops, I don't think we need any more enemies, Of course Pelosi would not see the Pro-troop, Veterans who are traveling the country now. But, she supports the troops by passing bills to benefit the veterans when they come back. Yea, right, She just won't talk to them, but she will pass bills to help them. (What a joke). If it wasn't so pathetic it would be comical. This party crap is going much too far to the detriment of the United, I say again United States. We are no longer United as a nation. They have done an outstanding job of National Separation. The Socialist uh Democrats want Uncle to enter into all aspects of your individual lives. They are continuing to spout the same retoric as Osama Bin laden. In his last, he advised that this war would bankrupt America and the Socialist are propagating his propaganda through their verbal displays current being acted out at the hearings in Washington.
I think what bothers me the most is, they believe this crap they continue to spew. The young votes also are buying into this, because they have been so left wing indoctrinated by their public school propaganderist, they can no longer think for themselves. Individual thought is a word of the past. One cannot go against the masses. We use to call this Communism, and fought wars to prevent its' spread, but now, this concept is taking over this nation without firing a shot....."We will bury you from within" and they did...Many who are religous have not been reached in this manner, so they re-invent Christianity, with a twist of Marxism. You have seen the results of this spreading virus!!!I ramble ......Wow! this sounds depressing!!....
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If I'm not very careful, I find myself living in a state of depression with all that is going on, just as you mentioned. And, on top of all that, I live in Texas where the widely publicized polygamist compound is located. And, on top of that, right here in our little town, drugs are rampant along with teen sex. Yes, it sounds depressing because we are living in depressed conditions! Next time you visit my blog, look on the sidebar and click on "Buddy"(under Hometown Bloggers). He is our Municipal Judge and new in his position. I hope and pray he awakens some of our 'sleeping' people!
Peace to your household....
Crabby, thanks for stopping by, and I know I am preaching to the choir, but ......I was listening to someone on the news repeating what JFK said in one of his speeches. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." This was the old Democratic party. Not so anymore....They want the government into everything....they are succeeding more and more each year....Eventually, we as complacient as we seem to be will allow it to happen. It happens so very rightously and people don't see the forest for the trees. I ramble....stay well...
Inspired. I had this whole comments done and clicked it to post and didn't hit post.'s gone....I think if we dwell on the negative soon everything we look at we have jaded glasses, so periodically, I will just get up and take a walk. removing myself mentally from all this nonsense. stay well.....
Hi Tap,
There is some truth in what you said that the government is into everything. It has made people dependent and perhaps soft. Few are doing something for America and JFK's call is now a voice in the wilderness.
The recession will make this worse. I hope America wakes up before China takes over the empire. :-) --Durano, done!
Brad. thanks for stopping by....Yeah! like the Roman Empire we are rotting from the inside. .....stay well....
Good post, Tap! Pelosi's got some nerve. She loves the troops yet snubs them then expects it to be ok 'cause she voted them some money. Typical white liberal. Oh no! I'm sounding like Obama!
Seane, Thanks for stopping by.....One thing about it though...A leapard doesn't change it's spots..........stay well...
Let’s recall some of the unworthy sprouts of unintelligence, rather dimness.
Even as American soldiers have fought a fanatical enemy on the battlefields of Iraq, their president has been condemned as a deceiver who led them to war through “lies; “as a destroyer of American liberties; as a desecrator of the Constitution; as a usurper who stole his high office; as the architect of an “unnecessary war;”as a “fraud;” as a leader who “betrayed us;”and as a president who cynically sent the flower of American youth to die in foreign lands in order to enrich himself and his friends.
These reckless, corrosive charges are made not by fringe elements of the political spectrum, but by national leaders of the Democratic Party, including a former president, a former vice president and presidential candidate, and three members of the United States Senate (among them a one-time presidential candidate).
Great post Tap!
AI, Thanks for stopping by...Your right on Target....stay well my friend.....
It's extremely depressing, Tapline, but unfortunately it's the truth! Just like Inspired, I live in Texas too. I don't live in any town, but the small town I live closest too indeed has a drug problem, and the school is getting more progressive every day. At my daughter's birthday party three years ago one of the kids that attended walked up to me and said: "Hi. I'm (I forget his/her name). I'm gay!" I couldn't tell whether he/she was a boy or a girl. My answer was, "Why in the world do you feel you must tell me that? I don't introduce myself to people by saying "Hi. I'm straight!"
It's the public school system doing this. These kids don't even know how to act anymore! That's not the only time that happened. A girlfriend of my daughters introduced herself by telling me she was a lesbian. My response to that was, "then you don't need to be running around with my daughter. Get out!" Guess I'm just old fashioned. :)
I really enjoyed your post. There has always been disagreement among politicians. Even our founding fathers had bitter disagreements. But, they could remain friendly for the most part. They had to show a united front for survival. Today we bicker and feel foolishly immune to attacks. Yet, we are still vulnerable.
The power grab by the left is so insidious, like you say. As a teacher and future administrator it sickens me to think of how the schools have been corrupted by so many. Gone are the days of teaching "dispositions" are taught. Syllabus have dispositions the students ought to have by the end of the course. Gah!
Thanks for tipping me of to Crabby Old Man's post. I'm headed on over right now.
You were right about Crabby Old Man's post. Freedom v. Control is the oldest battle in the Universe.
Gayle, Thanks for stopping by. We live in a world of change. Some changes are easily accepted others require more understanding and insight. stay well...
ALR, Thanks for stopping by. You are so right. My Grandaughter is in her 3rd year at a University. During her first year she came home and said she was marked of in one of her exams because she used the word Christmas Parade. She was so upset as that is what the parade was. Her fight against the PC has disappeared as she is indoctrinated into the retoric of the left. Debate is one way, i think, the professors way. We had one small altercation about what was happening there as she cooed about how great a certain politician was, now she no longer comes home and discusses anything about what is happening there or in politics. She has seen the error of her ways and has melded into teachers of tomorrow.
Youre on spot Tap..and do keep shouting about it and keep fighting the good fight!..wer'e on your side my friend.:)
Tap Maybe Your influence may get your grandaughter to see the light.
In The Fall of 1966 I started college after a tour in Vietnam. Had several problems with some of my professors over their liberal views I stayed the course on my views & caused me misery at times & a few fights. But as old Airborn saying "stand up & hook up". Also my spelling caused me grief also LOL
Of course Pelosi would not see the Pro-troop, Veterans who are traveling the country now. But, she supports the troops by passing bills to benefit the veterans when they come back. Yea, right, She just won't talk to them, but she will pass bills to help them.
Pelosi and company only support the troops insofar as they (generally speaking) perceive those in the military to be victims. They accuse warhawks on the right for using soldiers for political fodder; but then, what are the left doing? They only want to hear what a soldier has to say if he's turned anti-war vet; not if he actually supports the war and volunteered out of patriotism and not out of having no other alternatives in life.
All they can do is perceive the sacrifices and nobility of heroes like Navy SEAL Petty Officer Michael Monsoor as just another body count to tally up in the hopes of demoralizing us into failure.
Crabby, Thanks for stopping by. I know I had the same problem when I got my Masters. It didn't take me too long before I knew what it took to maintain a B......Don't rock the boat and feed back their slop. That'll do it.....Periodically, I would go Conservative just to get a rise out of them.. It's really sad that debate is missing, maybe not missing, but one has to compromise their value system constantly in order to make it.....SAD.......stay well....
Word, Thanks for stopping by. You are spot on....The way they are....and unfortuntately they will not change until it's too late....Ignorance is bliss and they are living proof....stay well...
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."
Hard to believe that was from a democrat isn't it?
"I support our troops, but I don't support the war!" BULLSHIT!! When I hear those words I want to puke!
Hey Pelosi, why are there 1500 homeless Iraq war vets living on the streets?? Thats how many of them are homeless. Vets from all wars, especially Vietnam, Just shy of 200,000 ARE HOMELESS!! Talk about a national disgrace!
I'm tired and I just got myself in a terrible mood---so good night folks. See you Tap.
Joe, Thanks for stopping by....I hadn't realized there were so many homeless. Adds to what I said. stay well.....
I hope you're okay, Tap. You haven't posted in awhile. Blessings!
Gayle, Thanks for the shout...No, not sick just holding back.
Just dropping by to say hello, and thanks for another good post. We are making progress in Iraq but we still have some issues with the CORRUPT politicians running the country [and the CORRUPTION will continue until MORALE improves]. As per my 2008 predictions I see our commander in chief giving his VI DAY [victory in Iraq] proclamation just before the 2008 election, and this action will drive the DEM team crazy [I like it!]. Have a fine MAINE week.
cfs, Thanks for stopping by.. Corruption, I believe is the nature of the beast. It was there before and it will stay there. It is part of the custom. Unless things have changed drastically, most middle eastern countries are like that. Lebanon was the exception....others if you wanted something you paid the going price and then give the one who waited on you or administered the stamp something....They use to stamp everything....
I found a new word, "Americanistan"! It is understandable. Some ethnic and religious minorities make use of vital ideals of free nations, such as freedom of thoughts and religion, and equality of races.
Quite unfortunately, some of them destroy freedom which they enjoy, through abusing special preferences granted for them.
I see something similar between Islamic radicals in the United States and North Koreans in Japan.
By the way, I have not changed my gender. My Greco-Persian handle name is "Shah ALEXANDER", not ALEXANDRA, as shown on the blog list. Luckily enough, I am satisfied with myself being a male.
Shah, Thanks for stopping by....My humble apologies,,,It certainly was an unintended oversight thanks for bringing it to my attention, It has been changed.....stay well....
"The democrats have been quite silent lately"
They have been too busy stabbing eachother in the backs
dd2, Thanks for stopping are so right. jabs and stabs...that's ok....stay well.....
Thank you for stopping by today. I responded to your commentary with much gratitude for an excellent historic summary.
You may also be interested in visiting Dr. John Press' site, called Culturism. You can find his URL on my blogroll. I think you'll enjoy his point of view and I find myself in complete agreement that unless we Americans value our own culture over others, we should not be surprised to find we have so many social problems.
Semper Fi
Mustang, Thanks for stopping by. i will investigate Dr John Press site.....stay well....
Hey Tap, I just wanted to thank you for stopping by at American Interests... Otto
AI, Thanks for coming by....stay well....
Mr. Tap:
Just stopped by to wish you a good day...peace to you and your household.
inspired,,,,Thanks for stopping by.....stay well....
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