Sunday, January 13, 2008

When isLand taken in Conquest considered Occupied?

That is the question one must consider when reading a blog posting on "Powerline" blog. The article in question,was titled "An Odd and unhelpful Thing" and written by Peter Weber a former Duputy Assistant to the President and Director of Stratic Initiatives. It reinforces what I have either blogs or commented about for quite some time and that is when land is taken in conquest, isn't that considered spoils of war and kept by the invading force???? If indeed that is the case why is land previously won in a war against Israel now considered occupied lands and not land that was won by Israel in a war that they won? 90% of which has already been ceeded back to the countries that went to war against Israel. It seems that Our president made a statement concering occupied lands while in Israel, which, according to Peter Weber was Odd and unhelpful. My question about this whole occupation thing is, Why do we and the rest of the world consider this occupied territory??? Do we consider Texas as occupied? JuST Asking!!!Go to Powerline for a complete read.


The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

when land is taken in conquest, isn't that considered spoils of war and kept by the invading force????

The short answer: yup.

I don't see us conceding territory to Mexico or the Sioux, Cheyenne, Apache, etc. anytime soon.

Anonymous said...


Good question on occupied lands, and I do NOT have a good answer. Here is another point of view. The United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. The land was given back to the good guys in Iraq and to the good guys in Afghanistan. Have a productive week in MAINE.


crabby old man said...

Some of this I do not understand, but Bush supporting giving part of Jerusalem back to Palestine is about the only thing that I really disagree with him on. Israel has been punished enough.

WomanHonorThyself said...

great post Tap!..the whole notion of occupation is a bold faced lie..revisionist history indeed!

Tapline said...

Wordsmith, Thanks for stopping by and concuring with my thoughts. Stay well...

cfs, welcome,,,I'm not sure what one refers to as conquest to be sure. The anti-Bush crowd always references our Nation Building, perhaps they are considering them one in the same. I normally support our president and his decisions, but He has dismissed the logical way to peace in Israel and moved away from his previous road map. A Nation cannot negotiate with another who want to kill you and will not even acknowledge your existance....stay well......

WHT, Thanks for stopping by...What can you say, I do not think Israel will be thrown under a bus. They have been doen this road before. Stay well.....

Gayle said...

Wordsmith is right, Tap. The answer to your question is "yup!"

To answer your question regarding Texas, yes, Texas is "occupied". It's occupied by Americans! Problem is, it's also occupied by illegal aliens, many who actually believe Texas belongs to them and act accordingly. So, even though Texas is part of the United States, it feels like it's also part of Mexico. I can't go anywhere without hearing conversations in Spanish, or seeing signs in Spanish on every store window. Warnings such as "no alcoholic beverages allowed on these premises. Abusers will be prosecuted" are in Spanish, signs in many stores, including Wal Mart are in Spanish, and I believe the majority of clerks in stores have to be able to speak fluent Spanish.

Phoenix, AZ is even worse. I couldn't speak to my maid, or to any maid, in my hotel room while staying in Phoenix because none of them spoke English! So, we may be the United States, but we're also turning into Mexico!

Tapline said...

Gayle, Sorry, I hit a nerve! I only used Texas as an example to make a point. I could have used the United Soviet Socialist Republic as a better one, perhaps? I hear your frustration, unfortunately, Times have changes,and rather than insist they intergrate they put out signs in Spanish. This is nothing but big business wanting to make a buck and polititians wanting a vote. This is the reason Congress will not make English our official language!!! It's all about money........Open borders, American sovereignty?? How long have we been asleep and allowed our elected representatives and our Courts to do this to America and Americans This is so complex,,,,Cities enaching laws ignoring Federal Laws to the contrary, In one breath, Screaming about a broke the Social Security system and thenin the next breath, passing laws to give benefits to illegals. I could continue to what avail.....I ramble.....stay well.......

Anonymous said...


Not related to this post but after Romney's victory in Michigan I look forward to a good showing by Fred Thompson in SC. It is fun to watch what is happening with the GOP with NO front runners. Have a productive week.


Tapline said...

cfs. Thanks for stopping by and you have a good week also...more snow on the way.....stay well....

Anonymous said...

Please stop over at my place and pick up your well deserved Award as well as a glass of Chateau Latour to celebrate.

Tapline said...

DD2, Thanks for stopping by. I'll stop over.....stay well.....

Anonymous said...

It really is silly to say that Israel is an occupier when they won that land from people who attacked them! Bush gets on my nerves on this and illegal immigration.

Tapline said...

alr, Thanks for stopping by... What can i say that hasn't already been said? Seems you agree....I just heard one of Saudi Aradia's princes demanded the immediate release of Saudi's held in Guantonimo immediately... I don't know how far that went....I just read it on Debka Files. We will see how that plays out.....stay well....

Gayle said...

It's okay to hit a nerve, Tap. I've posted about our problems here in Texas many times. I've posted about my frustration regarding both borders being so wide open, not only Mexico's but also our border with Canada. Of course I'm not just concerned with illegal Mexicans, I'm concerned about terrorists, and Canada is very accessable to them. Unfortunately, with both borders so wide open, so are we.

Never worry about hitting one of my nerves, Tap... I have plenty! :)

Jackie said...

Haven't been by in a while. Just wanted to say hello. Waiting for the results of S.C....

Tapline said...
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