Sunday, January 27, 2008

McCain's "National Director of Hispanic Outreach"

I have been reading continuously on everyones blogs and am completely overloaded with information. Some good points, some not so good. I went to "Michelle Malkins Blog" and read post concerning McCain's National Director of Hispanic Outreach, Dr. Juan Hernandez. It seems he holds duel Citizen, Mexican and American. He has said in the past when referring to Hispanics, according to the post, "all gererations will think Mexico First." "I want them all to think Mexico first." Nice....I thought Mc Cain learned from what he said about What the American people wanted. Well,,,He didn't learn, as far as I am concerned. He is still for open borders and a superhighway from Texas to Canada .......For a good read go to Michelle's Blog and read the entire post. It is telling....


Anonymous said...

TL in ref to JSM [John S McCain]

I can NOT and WILL NOT support JSM for president. This man is part of the old guard and is part of what is wrong with Washington. Of all the Republican candidates [those in the running] the only one I can support is Mitt Romney. But at the end of the day for this Libertarian Independent voter it is ANYONE BUT THE CLINTONS.

Have a productive week in MAINE and stay out of the COLD!


Tapline said...

cfs, Thanks for stopping by....I probably will slide over into your corner, but I just dont want to subsidize medical care. Look around and also look at Mass. Thats where he made the big difference?????, but I'm open for changes.......stay well....

WomanHonorThyself said...

hiya Tap~! disheartening!..I'm so lost as to whom to get behind Tap...I'm stalling hoping a miracle will befall us all !:)

Tapline said...

WHT, Thanks for stopping by...I agree.....I just keep listening....stay well....

Gayle said...

It's all about money, Tap, and I just posted about the southern border too! We seem to be on the same page.

After Thompson left as far as I was concerned we had two choices: Either McCain or Romney. This is why I chose Romney.

Have a great day! :)

Tapline said...

Gayle, Thanks for stopping by....I know that probably will be mine too.....stay well............

crabby old man said...

I've been dishearted every since Fred pulled out. Do not like Mcain or Romney ,but will have to vote for one of them for both of them are miles ahead of BILLARY & Obama

Tapline said...

Crabby, I complete a great essay here concerning your comment and the blessed machine ate it....Probably just as well.... I am just about where you are when it comes to our choices. Some people are getting riled over remarks about some of their choices. I, however think that talking about the candidates and their positions, if you can find them, bringing them into the open and discuss them if possible. To me Romney is much too smooth and McCain thinks he has all the answers, but some of his answere worry me. I have addressed my concerns at length on previous blogs and comments, so I won't go into them here, I thnk one of the biggest concerns that none of the candidates are addressing are the attacks daily by way of life by using our freedoms against us. What can be done to stop this travesty???? I ramble....stay well....

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

It getting to be a narrow choice the perfect candidate may not exist but McCain or Romney sounds far more desirable that any of the those on the left of the aisle...Pity about Fred pulling out, while not actually my favored GOP candidate he was clearly the most conservative, hence his running played an important role in counter steering the other GOP candidates further along the right/conservative continuum.

Tapline said...

Ai, Your right some of the comments on Michelle's Blog was really something. They are so against McCain. I am also not for McCain. I don't know when the people are going to wake up. Im really afraid of what he would do to this country, if he got in. stay well...

Anonymous said...

Like I always say. I am for Romney. I hope people find out about McCain and Dr. Juan. That way I won't be forced between voting against Hillary or not voting. I'd still vote, but with fear and trepidation at the disaster that would be a McCain president.

Anonymous said...

PS-I just made sense of something. On my blog the other day you refer to me as CFS. CFS writes The Lowest Rated Blog and I write A Little Revolution! On your side bar it links to my blog under his name!

Tapline said...

ALR, thanks for coming by.....and also thanks for correcting my blog list.. I somehow lost my complete list and went back to reconstruct it, in doing so I left some out and also messed them up. I didn't even have cfs on my listing, so I have to add him....Thanks again....

Tapline said...

ALR, thanks for coming by.....and also thanks for correcting my blog list.. I somehow lost my complete list and went back to reconstruct it, in doing so I left some out and also messed them up. I didn't even have cfs on my listing, so I have to add him....Thanks again....

Anonymous said...


Good morning. Things are looking good for MCCAIN and THE CLINTONS here in the PRC [Peoples Republic of California], both are leading here and are expected to win BIG on Tsunami Tuesday 02/05/2008, but NOT with my vote. I do not support those two teams because they are part of the past, part of what is wrong with Washington, and part of FAILED administrations. In other words, they are part of the problem and they can NOT be trusted.

Have a productive weekend in MAINE.

I voted - have you?

Tapline said...

cfs, Thanks for the comments. I am getting lazy,,,,by the time I have finished reading for 8 hours, I don't want to post anything. I agree with you totally,,,I think the big reason McCain is getting all the votes is he will get the die hard republican vote( those who will vote republicsn, no matter what) and he will also pick up the soft democrats, those of his ilk. That show their true colors...."A leopard doesn't change its spots." Oh! How is Calif going to take care of their shortfall on the budget, what is it 10 Billion or something to that affect?? Maybe, with the Gov's influence with the Republican admin he can get the US to floaat him a loan or two..( Sorry I couldn't help it...) I'm bad......stay well.....

In Russet Shadows said...

McCain has learned nothing, for he has changed nothing. He is running for president because he believes he deserves the position; that's right -- deserves. He is an egomaniac and I seriously doubt his ability to look outside himself for any reason. Can you imagine what diplomacy would be like under his watch? There's a certain charm to being a Texas cowboy and Bush could at least pull that off, but what can McCain do? I find the prospect not only disheartening but almost scary.

Tapline said...

Russet, Thanks for stopping by....Yes....I agree,,,,I will stick with the lesser of the two and hope that people wake up....The only thing he has going for him is national defense. I don't even know where he is on Conservative judges and that's bad......I heard he thought Alito and Roberts were too conservative. but he voted for them....Lots of luck American.....stay well.....

Tapline said...

from Fremont Friend:
Republican Debate! It is so sad to see individuals running for one of the greatest offices in the world, snicker and laugh while others attempt to give thoughtful responses re: current policy, etc. How wonderful it would have been to see respect and dignity on display. Sad

Seane-Anna said...

Mexico First? That's fine--if you live in Mexico. If you live in America it's called treason.

Tapline said...

Seane, To be honest with you, I do not know what the definition of Treason is.. I lost the meaning sometime during the 60's when I came back to the States and everyone was rallying against the United States and then on my return from Vietnam and rushed to change my uniform out of fear of retaliation like being spit on. The all the anti-American activist during that period. When I got home and got a job, I went into work, to be met on the door step of my employment with people passing out Communist literature. I called the FBI and they said we have our eye on them...That's it... It hasn't let up its just gotten worse. Look at Berkley??!!! stay well.....