Friday, November 16, 2007

What's happening in Egypt??

Looks like the State Department is looking at the Muslim Brotherhood for some answers???? Well, I think that's not the place to look. Egypt itself is reluctant to look at this organization and we in the US need to do it also. But our state department in Egypt has reached out to them. Against the advise that Secretary Rice issued in 2005, according to "Little Green Footballs" They have an excellent post on the latest at I also read recently that the US is witholding millions from Egypt for not following through on certain activities. 'About time they reacted on this bit, but I cannot fathom why we have any contact with the Brotherhood.

A read of "the rantings of a Sandmonkey" blog reveals a bloggger that was jailed last year is being tortured in jail. That is also a good read. I noted that they were asking for help because they didn't know what to do, nor how to do it....


WomanHonorThyself said...

The MB are a bunch of terrorists Tap..the evidence is astounding..good grief my friend!!!:)

Aunty Belle said...

What gives??? Muslims Brotherhood is being "reached out to" ...gag, I jes' hate that "sensitive" phrase.

Mebbe we's infiltratin' them?? I did see some article in Asiaonline (or somewhar') that Egypt is "nervous" about the growth of MB among middle class Egyptians.

YEah, I seen a BBC blip on the MB, all interviewees wuz doctors or professors: "Look how reasonable we are!"

Real worrisone, ain't it?

Gayle said...

Angel's exactly right... they are a bunch of terrorists!

Off topic, Tap: I finally managed to get here but when I click on your homepage link, the link comes up with two http://'s in it, instead of only one. By removing one of them I was able to get here. It may be my browser for some reason though, and not your link. I don't know. My browser has been acting a bit strange lately. I'll clear its cache. That may help.

Tapline said...

Wht, Thanks for stopping by....Yes, I think you may be right.

Aunty,,,,Thanks for adding your words of Wisdom to my post....I think you are right. Egypt is concerned over the growth of MB in Egypt. So not only do we hold back funding, we engage MB. We thinks Foggy Bottom need a complete shake-up from the top down.....Of course who didn't know that after the leaks coming from our security complex. When I wrote my senator, She informed me about the Wistleblower protection. I didn't quite see where releasing classified information that may kill some of our troops or worse was a protected issue.......I ramble...stay well.....

Tapline said...

Gayle, Thanks for stopping by. you put a lot of time into your setup on your Blog and I for one appreciate its content. Speaking to the MB If one goes to Little Green Footballs and clicks of the link attachments there one can read "The Project" which is their plan for world domination of Islam, as they see it....frightening!!!! especially since The US will not wake up until the fox is in the Hen house. He is there........stay well......

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Hi tap, door was open paid a visit.

Love Aunt Belle's words of wisdom!

Keep up the good work...