Friday, November 9, 2007

Satire, the way to go

I just got through reading a post covered by "commonsense & wonder". The title of the post is "Bush Resignation Speech."
I will not exerpt from the original article but instead will give you the address. Please go there for a good read. Written by a Mainiac (person from Maine). It is written as a satire and really hits some high points..excellent read. ....stay well.....


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the post and the link, the speech is a good one and oh by the way I like the look of the new administration under new president Pelosi. Just imagine ....

Have a fine MAINE weekend.


Tapline said...

I can not imagine what this nation would be. Too awful to think about. really a boring weekend,Im alone . better half is at the University to watch the granddaughter perform....stay well......

Paul Champagne said...

An administration under Nancy Pelosi ... I think I'm going to be ill.

We might as well just start flying the UN flag.

Tapline said...

I say satire, but actually could happen?????Oh MY GOD////////////////1 stay well....

WomanHonorThyself said...

ahhhhhhhhh laughter is the best meds! are ya Tap~!

Gayle said...

It's 3:45 Central and I haven't eaten anything since 10:30AM... thank you, Lord! :)

Tapline said...

WHT, Well,thank you. except for a new computer that my son installed...lost all my addresses and i don't know what all else, but I'm sure I will find out in a few days....stay well.....

Tapline said...

Gayle, sounds like your alone too...My better called a couple of minutes ago and they are almost home....Thank God, I'm Having a boiled dinner,,,for supper,,,Does that sound right????.....stay well....

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

"actually could happen" ... What if Tap is right?

Tapline said...

AI: Thanks for the visit...I don't thinthis will ever materialize.. take too much time and we would be into 08 elections by then....stay well.....