Friday, November 23, 2007

What will it take to create the country of Palestine?

A conference is currently scheduled for the last of this month, in Annapolis, Maryland hosted by America between Israel and Palestine. Other Middle Eastern Countries are invited to attend also. I hope that Israel isn't being thrown under the bus, but the US. I have a feeling that this administration wants more lasting legacy than what it has currently. We have been shunned by SA in the past and meetings were held by arab nations with the US not being invited. Rice has been trying to negociating so kind of lasting resolution, but to no avail. Now, what have we planned for our friends. I hope the Administration is not being short sighted???? What has Palestine ever offered in the way of a peaceful solution to the situation that was settled long ago. Anyone care to look at the League of Nations??? then broken by who????????The land in question was won by Israel in a War not brought on by them, but in response to armed intervention. Why should they then give it back after they won it through a just war of self defense. If that were the case....Lets go back to pre WWI and remake history drawing the maps as they were back then....Wow! Kurdistan would be a seperate country.....and so would others. I ask you does this make sense????Well then why should Isreal copitulate????
What makes all other Nations think OH! it's Israel so it doesn't matter they should give back all the territories and especially Jerusalem. I say Make Jerusalem, Israel's capital city. after all it was a Jewish City historically as was the whole area. God gave it to them centuries before Not the Arabs.....the Jeeeeeewwwwwwssssss.. It's in the book.....THe BOOK...... America, the Jewish Nation has suffered enough, and it continues today. Before pushing for reconciliation on the part of Israel look at "The Project" and its reference to A Palestinian state. Then make an informed judgement, not one that will be another disaster. I ramble...


crabby old man said...

enjoyed your post, we must not abandon Gods ghosen race. They have been abused way to long. After 9/11 we should not trust any Islamic Nation

Σ. Alexander said...

People say the Palestine issue is the key to Middle East peace. In fact, numerous conflicts in this region are not necessarily relevant.

However, success in the Palestine Peace process will improve the image on the United States, and weaken negative impression on Israel.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the visit Tapline. I definitely worry that Bush will try and throw Israel under the bus. He has been too vocal about the forming of a Palestinian state. Israel deserves her sovereignty and her land. Like you said, it is in the Bible. But, we also have the final battle going on in Israel. Maybe Bush is just trying to singlehandedly move up the Second Coming of Christ by screwing things up even worse over there by legitimizing Palestinian grievances.

Jackie said...

I understand that Syria will be in attendance IF the Golan Heights is on the agenda. But Assad is only interested in the land, not peace.

I'm not well informed on this subject but from what I've read, Assad has been quoted in some interviews as offering Israel peace talks, and then threatening war in other interviews. Sounds like he's got a 'forked-tongue'.(if my information is valid)

I'm with you tap....It's in the Book, and I believe every word!

Tapline said...

Crabby, Thanks for the visit....If we abandon God's Chosen People we will do so at our own peril. I pray to God this will not happen. Stay well......

Shah, I don't know what is important here. I think the Palestinian people have been used and abused for years, by their own people who scream they are for palestine. The leaders of the palestinians are millionaires whereas their people scrape for existance. This is totally unfair and inhumane. The leaders dont want peace, although they scream about it constantly, neither do their neighbors. It keeps them all riled up and they cannot think about their sad lot at home....... I ramble....stay well...

ALR. Thanks for stopping by......I feel you are right. He wants to be the one who created a palestanian state. AS I said, I hope he thinks long and hard before committing the United States to possible destruction of Israel. If this comes down, I dont think Israel will sign the treaty. Remember, Lebanon is now part of this problem. I believe they are now declaring a state of emergency and putting the Army in charge. This is going to be a mess and someone is going to be hurt. I believe it was in the 90's that lebanon was forfeited to Syria, Of course we didn't know about that now did we. Only God knows the outcome....I ramble.... stay well....

Inspired, Thanks for stopping by....It is my understanding Russia has asked Syria if they will attend the conference. then again in other news reports, I read that Syria will not attend. Right now they have too much to loose not to attend. They will be there with bells on. We can only hope for the best. Even if we have an agreement. They continue to be broken.... So then what do we have. Another meeting......I ramble....stay well....

Anonymous said...

"However, success in the Palestine Peace process will improve the image on the United States, and weaken negative impression on Israel."

I must repectfully disagree. All Jews must abandon Israel, or be exterminated for success of the "process".
Israel has the MIGHT to exist, and discussion of its RIGHT makes no sense to me, seeing as every other nation got to where it is, and retains its position, through force of arms.

Tapline said...

YJM, Sorry, but I did not make that comment it is authoried from Shah. Not me....I also don't necessariy agree with what he said either, but I guess that's his take on the situation..

Anonymous said...

I know it wasn't you. I should have added "Shah" to comment I made, to be more specific!

WomanHonorThyself said...

Hiya Tap..time to tell the Arabssssssssss to take a flying leap for themselves..they wont even shake Israelis hands at the alleged peace the blazes with ALL of the Jew and America haters!

Tapline said...

WHT. It's time they grew some cajoles I think that's how it's spelled. anyway, they sould try acting like human beings instead of 8th century rejects. Just send them back with no foreign Aid...OH NO! no money honey.....We better start fighting again. Maybe Israel will hand some over with American influence???? I agree WHT go home, and we'll talk peace later when you care to stand up and be counted as part of our world. Have fun with your power turned off and no imports from Israel and time to fish or cut bait.....No more mr. bad guy. I ramble....stay well....

Paul Champagne said...

I don't think that the President will throw Israel under the bus. But it will be necessary for Israel to bend in the negotiation process ... as it will also be necessary for the Palestinians to bend also.

Tapline said...

Paul, I think the dye has been cast. Could be wrong, but I somewhat doubt it. Of course lebanon is also in this equation, with Syria and Iran on the sidelines. we'll see.... Stay well...

Anonymous said...

"But it will be necessary for Israel to bend in the negotiation process"

Any more bending, and Israel will turn into a pretzel!

Anonymous said...


I am alone on this one: I do NOT trust the Arabs. Have a fine MAINE day.


Tapline said...

LRB, you are not alone and I believe your thinking is sound, historically speaking.

Gayle said...

LRB is definitely not alone! If we trust the Arabs we are fools.

Tap, why do you say you "ramble." You didn't ramble. You make perfect sense!

Tapline said...

Gayle, Thanks for stopping by....I say I ramble, because I continue and am splintered when I post, therefore,I ramble....stay well.....

WomanHonorThyself said...

Keep up the good fight Tap~!

Tapline said...

WHT, Thanks for stopping by....Maybe if the administration would take off the rose tinted glasses things wouldnt seems so rosey......Surely, they are not that myopic....NO!!!although they doesn't seem to get it.....She certainly hasn't read "the Project" oH well....This too will pass, I just hope Israel won't also..Surely, they are not so Nieve???? I read a week or so ago that Syria was advised by Russia to be there..Has nothing to do with the US other that our copituation, probably on Golan and Lebanon..We'll see.... I ramble....stay well.

Tapline said...

oops...I meant don't not doesn't.....sorry......

Paul Champagne said...

yjm ... a pretzel it may be, but no one said it would be easy.

And I did say that the Palestinians would have to bend too.

Anyone for a game of international twister?

Tapline said...

Paul, A little twist on each side is what has not happened since Israel became a state in 1947. Israel was the victim here and was invaded by arab neighbors. Israel won not just one fight but a series of wars and it is still going on with the Palestinians. The country of Palestine was and is Jordan Not Israel. some of the parts of Syria and Egypt as well as lebanon were taken during the conflicts there. Now and after the Arabs were crying,,,,Israel took our lands and we want it back, all we wnat to do is ethnically cleanse the complete area with Jewish blood. I say, if a DNA was taken Of an Arab or an Israelite, they probably all have the same genetic code....but shush!!!!dont tell them that.......I agree with both of you but,,,,with reservation......stay well

Anonymous said...

Paul Champagne:

I wouldn't have Israel subscribe to anything this country would not be willing too. They have the might to take care of business. If they don't, Israel will cease to exist. It's already on its way with the kind of leadership the people elect. They don't have the luxury of having these kinds of leaders. Not sure what the people there are thinking. Probably liberalism in action.

Paul Champagne said...


I have no doubt that the Israeli negotiation team will not be coerced into an agreement that was disadvantageous to Israel. The politicians in Israel are way too smart for that.

Anonymous said...

Paul, buddy. Olmert??

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Best to be guarded, perhaps even out-and-out pessimistic, I’m thinking its just political gimmickry sometimes. Trying to find a peaceful solution is to be commended, but without first attempting to get to the core of the problem how can one be positive. How can we trust Arabs?

Oh, and let's not worry about Bush "throwing Israel under a bus", America will always stand close to Israel...great post Tap and keep up the fight...

Tapline said...

AI, Thaks for stopping by. The more I hear the less concerned I become. I guess I'm too simplistic. Right is right and wrong is wrong. There has been very little gray in my life and I think I'm too old now to change. More study on the issues seem to be the order of the day. stay well

Praguetwin said...

I'm no expert, but I don't think Kurdistan has ever been a country. It has been split between Iraq, Syria, Iran and Turkey since just after WWI, and before that it was part of the Ottoman empire. Before that, well, nothing was a "country" in that area of the world.

Or at least that is my understanding. Like I said, I'm not expert.

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, Tapper!

Tapline said...

twin, I'm sure your right it was an area in the Ottoman Empire. when that was broken up the powers that be talked about it becoming its own country. They hesitated to complete the paperwork but was treating it as such and Kemel Attiturk took over Turkey and rather than contiue which would have alienated the turks they remained part of these other countries and Turkey.....the part in Kurtistan in Iraq is autonomus since the early 90's when we afforded them overflight protection from the iraqi dictator Saddam. I think this is right. I'm doing it from memory and I'm not as yound as I use to be. Stay well......and thanks for the visit....