Thursday, September 30, 2010

Congress!! when are you going to reign in the EPA

The enviornmental Protection Agency are really flexing their muscles as it relates to our economy. They have issued regulations that will, If what I read is correct, mean the loss of Thousands of jobs. This is outrageous, especially, in this period of massive unemployment, which is still listed as 9.6. I don't see how they can maintain this figure with thousands being added to the roles monthly, but that aside, Congress must act to neutralize the EPA's power . The Congress must act to stop this insanity The EPA is attacking the Coal industry and recently started on the Cement industry. From what I have read in the Blogisphere Their new regulations will cause mine closures and cause cement manufacturing to be outsourced to China. I will quote what I read somewhere concerning these actions and that is "It's like saying," you can't pee in this side of the pool". Congress act now !


Robert "the infidel" Garding said...

Here is how they think on these things. They have the media in bed with them so they figure, all they have to do is tell the media that unemployment, no matter how many lose their jobs in a period of time, is at 9.6%. In all actuality, it is probably closer to 18% But since the media says 9.6% we are to believe it and be quiet. Thank God for blogs such as yours and all the others in your blogroll. We have to keep the pressure up.

Tapline said...

Robert, Thanks for stopping by..You hit the nail on its head. I get so exasperated, I could spit. It doesn't do any good to scream "What's happening here". No one seems to hear.

WomanHonorThyself said...

thanks again Tap for sounding the alarms..the Federal govt is now trying to regulate community colleges..can you believe this!?

Z said...

Hi, and thanks for coming by GeeeZ...I agree; we're going GREEN and there isn't going to be any GREEN in anybody's pockets! Too many regulations, or those founded on exaggerated fear tactics ("the sky is falling if we don't go GREEN!") could ruin us.
Good going, Obama. You're getting your dream. :-(

Tapline said...

Angel, Thanks for stopping by. In response to your quire...Yes, I believe the federal government will intervene when the colleges take our money and they know this up front. If they don't they're not paying attention...Stay well...

Z, Thanks for sesponding to my post. I am so tired of Green...If it was something I could latch onto, I wouldn't mind, but if one really researches what they are trying to do. It doesn't make sense...One of my senators' co-sponsored another "Cap and Dividend" law.....They just won't give up. Where are our representatives in Congress. They can stop this outrage, but will not stop these dictorial practices being shoved down our throats at the expense of precious jobs...Thousands of them....stay well.....

Anonymous said...

Actually Tap.....the left does hear....whether the show it or not. The media is in their pockets so normally it won't tell the truth all we get are the lies they want told. So it seems we are not getting our word out....but we are. It's happening. Slowly...but surely.

Edisto Joe said...

Kentucky has just filed suit against the EPA in federal court for blocking 11 legal mine permits issued by the state. They follow West Virgina in this matter. Pretty soon every state in the union will be suing Obama over something.

WomanHonorThyself said...

hi Tap..thanks as always for droppin by..Blessings to u and yours!:)

Tapline said...

Angel, Thanks for stopping by....Always enjoy your posts......

Jackie said...

Mr. Tap! I'm the one who is supposed to be the inspirer and the encourager on my blog but you turned the tables on me with the last comment you left on For Love of Home. Thank you so much for the bit of encouragement that you left. Yes, like you and many others, I had sunk into the mirey deep. Things are looking up somewhat, but like you said on Blogway Boys..."you can't trust the Dems"..(or something to that effect) Take care and let's keep our chins up....

WomanHonorThyself said...

hope your'e well and happy this holiday season my friend..God bless ~!

WomanHonorThyself said...


Jackie said...

Just for your information concerning the Egyptian crisis. For a couple of years, I've occasionally clicked on a blog written by a pro-U.S Egyptian blogger. When the internet was turned off in Cairo this past week, he started tweeting. Yesterday, the internet was turned back on and he made a very long post describing the events since Jan. 25. I guess I clicked on it right after he posted it. Had time to print it for my husband to read. Within the hour, his blog had been suspended.

I wish I had your input on the implications of all this to our world.

WomanHonorThyself said...

hope alls well with ya~!

Σ. Alexander said...

To be fair, EPA has to attack nuclear industry as well. The Fukushima accident is too well known. But alas, nuclear power plants are Obama's crown jewelry to cut CO2 emission.

I have to fix the comment box on my blog. Then, your comment will appear.