Monday, April 19, 2010

Here we go again!!!Carbon tax???

I guess It's been long enough and the SCANDAL of "Global Warming" has died down enough. From what I have been reading, a study has been completed on the Global Warming scandal by an "independent panel" I for one do not believe the science is settled. our senators are busy,busy, in trying to double or perhaps triple our heating oil, gas and electric bills.
The only thing I can say about this mess is evidently much, much money is being injected into getting to get this mess,,,Climate change and Carbon Taxes and Carbon Credits etc: passed. All in the name of Clean Air or clear air or whatever....... First it was the Cap and Tax and now the new one, Tax and Dividend legislation. One being touted by 3 senators, and the other by two other senators. The latter is reported in "the Hill" Titled "New analysis touts Cantwell-Collins Climate Bill" by Ben German, dated 4-12-10. You be the judge...Maybe, if more controlled analysis was done on these subjects with indisputable evidence of what was actually happening and it was man made, perhaps more people would be accepting the studies????
One thing is certain....If this legislation is passed all charges placed on businesses will be passed on to me the consumer and I don't care how you sugar coat it congress, it will paralize the economy and people will be chosing between heat and food..


Joe said...

President BO would be happy to make the choice for us. In fact, he'll set up a panel to do just that.

Jackie said...

I don't believe much of anything I read anymore. But if it IS the truth...carbon tax is out. Guess we'll see what the great pretender will come up with next...whatever it is, it won't be good.

Tapline said...

Joe, thanks for stopping by...I'm not guessing at anything they do from the playhouse in DC....

Inspired...Thanks for the comment. I wouln't believe anything those three put out about their bill....Why would they have it?????Money will be coming from somewhere...They are not just wistliing Dixie......As far as the other bill thats still much on the table....Read the Hill report, I quoted That'll give you an idea what it contains.... stay well....

WomanHonorThyself said...

Hiya Tap!....I'm not guessing at anything they do from the playhouse in either my pathetic though..hang in there!:)

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Cap n Trade known as ETS our way. It's mad and I'd hoped it would have died down by now... Otto aka, American Interests

Tapline said...

Angel, Thanks for stopping by. I always read your post, but do not always post a comment....I guess we try to do our part to replace what we can't get a response from....stay well...

Otto, Wow!!! a voice from the past....Thanks for stopping by. I haven't been doing much in the way of posting lately. feels like a case of jet lag, but I think its overload....Stay well and come back....

WomanHonorThyself said...

hope alls well TAP!:)

Σ. Alexander said...

The Obama administration failed to ratify the Kyoto Protocol endorsed by Gore. Carbon tax is just an alternative.

But will he really create green employment as FDR did in TVA? Will it help the US economy? Brah, brah, brah....

Tapline said...

Shah, Great to hear from you!! From what I can gather This carbon TAx is a great scam or something I'm not quite sure, but it doesn't make sense to me....I think the ONE's TVA is the Health Insurance Bill already passed and it will be an albratros around the neck of the Americn people with the creaation of many many agencies by the fed....everything now is the Bill out of Arizona,,The federal government is attacking the state for passing a bill that should already be enforced by them....I'm worried about Nationalization of the Oil Companies which I have a feeling is on its way with the current attack on big oil....."Never let a crisis go to waste".......Thanks for stopping by

Jackie said...

Hi Mr. Tap! Hope all is well with you and your's. Stay well...

Seane-Anna said...

Hey Tap! Thank you so much for your support and kind words during this difficult time for me. I really appreciate it. Hugs.