Sunday, February 14, 2010

What happened to Confidentiality???

Is the handwriting is on the wall. Is Socialized medicine coming to your town soon? Is It only a matter of time? Maine is receiving in the form of a grant, $6,599,401.00 from the Federal Government as stated by Senator Collins Newsletter of Feb 12, 2010,
The newsletters from both Senator Snow and Senator Collins carries the announcement of the grant. Neither Senator express concern about the new system in their newletters. I don't know much about the installation of this new "Health Information Exchange system", but it doesn't sound like anything I can relate to...I have concerns about individual privacy and confidentiality. To me, the name of the new system in itself, does not instill confidence as it relates to privacy or confidentiality. For more information on this system one can contact the senators from Maine on the web and request a copy of their newletter dated Feb 12, 2010.


tha malcontent said...

You betch my friend!

Joe said...

Just one more example of how little the government respects individuals and their rights.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Good post. Big government is infesting both parties. Neither one is the party of the people. What a shame we are here now.

Tapline said...

Malcontent, Thanks for stopping by......

Joe, wait until November!!! Change,,, you betcha......

L&O teach...Thanks for stopping by.Yeah! Big Brother,,,SSA recepients won't get a COL this year but They are giving a grant of 17.4 Million in contract awards to 15 providers and networks to provide medical records to be sent by the NHIN the Nationwide Health Information system that is according to Michael J Astrue Commissioner at Social Security, (See SSA Press Release dated February 1, 2010) this press release speaks to the award not the Cost of living information, that is covered elsewhere on

WomanHonorThyself said...

hiya Tap..sigh..the disillusionment is hard to bear at times...but we must keep up the fight my friend!:)

Jackie said...

WHT is MUST keep up the fight!! Looking forward to your next post.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tapline, excellent post. Like WomanHonorThyself says, "we must keep up the fight."

(I left you a comment at my site-I don't know what happened to your comment from the AM.)

Tapline said...

Layla, Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm very lazy and have not had the wherewithall, (is that a word) to put together a complete thought....And thanks for commenting on my comment...I think we both know what each was trying to convey, but father did have a reason for lack of involvement by the religous community. A few years ago i asked why the Salvation Army wasn't involved with a disaster and was told they had a contract with the Red Cross on what they did or didn't do.....Didn't make sense to me fits.....

WomanHonorThyself said...

hope alls well TAP..hang tough my friend!

Jackie said...

Still looking forward to your next post. I'm with Angel....hope all's well.