Friday, August 1, 2008

What will it take to initiate action by our elected representatives?????

I have addressed this problem in the past and again,,,I ask when will our elected ones get the message that we need lower FUEL prices before we start seeing people freeze or surcumb to a disease because they can't afford to pay for the prescription to cure or maintain their health. One of our Maine Senators in her advertisement for reelection says we need to come together as a nation.... She offers no solution to our current crisis on energy.... I say get rid of all of them who do not answer to the will of the people. They certainly are all for changing and enacting new laws to appease certain groups who feather their nests,and to come together to force legislation on the states to pass laws they dont particularly agree with by threatening to withhold funds, ie....seatbelt manditory or we withhold highway funds. Speed limit 55 miles per hour.... I could go on indefinately, but you get the idea.
When it comes to drilling and using technology to extract oil from shales etc. Nothing can get through....This is crapola...
Now they are taking a recess,,,,for what????? The most significant problem facing Americans is high energy cost and that has not being addressed....If they go into recess, I call on the President to recall these "Servents of the People" to come back into session and attend to the peoples business. That is,to allow a vote on the energy bill. As it stands right now I pay almost half of my Social Security monthly check on a budget plan for fuel oil, so I won't freeze this winter. My niece says,"People will have to adjust." I say "adjust what?" We have to eat, take our medication and pay our outrageously high heating and gas bills. I have stated in the past and I will say it again. The Democrats of the past were all about helping the Poor of this nation. They have lost their way Now they only think of redistribution of wealth but giving themselves pay raises. The state of Maine has already said there is only so much they can do to help its residents this winter. It gets cold up here and our congress has lost their way...All of the people are not their problem, only certain groups are being heard and the response is against the majority. "When in the course of Human events, it becomes necessary......." and the beat goes on????? How far will the American people allow this to continue until they react.
I for one will reflect it in my vote and hope the majority of responsible citizens do the same. I ramble....stay well...


Gayle said...

Hubby and I have also been saying Bush should recall them, but I'm not holding my breath, Tap! I hope I'm wrong but I don't think that he will. This is one time that I want to be wrong!

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

What do you make of Pelosi and Dems calling recess, turning off the lights and mics, and the Repubs staying to continue discussions?

Pelosi should have put it up for a vote, then called recess. It's the right thing to do, but she opted to do what she felt would be the politically advantageous thing to do for her side, who are losing on the issue.

Tapline said...

Gayle, Regretably, I also think President Bush will not act. I do think this is opening some people's eyes and they see the Demos' do not care about their plight. To some of the Republicans there it is also a non-issue. They are so far removed from the people it makes my head spin. Thanks for stopping by....stay well....

Word, Thanks for the remarks....I think as I related above. The Dems cut off more than they can chew, lets hope so anyway. If the REpub will keep the heat on,what they did today was finally showing some b-lls, but they could have done more prior to this happening. of course our wayward candidate thinks only green and alternative energy. In the meantime, I will rob Peter to pay Paul this winter. Stay well.......

Anonymous said...

Excellent commentary, Tapline. You are soooo right...all of them are completely out of touch with the rest of us. Vote them all out!

crabby old man said...

Tapline if You will rob Peter to pay Paul this winter. Paul will be your friend & if you are running for office he will vote for you.
been missing your post , glad your back.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Welcome back, Tap. I missed your posts.

Tapline said...

BoBo, I have been trying to get into your blog all evening and cant excess it through internet express yours and a few others. maybe tomorrow.....thanks for stopping by....stay well....

Crabby, I got into your blog with no problem, but I couldn't get into Inspired.....try as I might. Thanks for stopping by...stay well... and your right in your assessment about Paul.....

Jackie said...


I read your comment to crabby. Early this morning, I couldn't even get to my blog!! I felt sure my blog had gone the way of Paul Champagne.

Anyway, I went in to Blogger and deleted almost everything non-essential...sitemeter, music, LiveFeed....just junk that I wanted to try. I've tried all that stuff and now I'm satisfied. As usual, all this to say...MAYBE you can get to my blog now. (not that I have anything great on it.) Thanks for trying.

Glad to have you back...

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding Tap?

Vacations are much more important.
I just did a blog on the effect of it after they walked out.

Stay well

Tapline said...

L&O Teach, Thanks for stopping by.

Inspired, I'll try again.....tks...

DD2, Thanks for the input....I'll stop by. I didn't hear what transpired after she tried to shut it down and Republicans reacted, at least some of them. You know the sad thing about this whole situation is that they seem completely in the dark as to the total ramifications of this game playing on the little man....Not that that should surprise me at my age....stay well.....

Anonymous said...

I think the answer to the underlying question … why many politicians ignore the demands of the people … is that they know their constituencies. They understand most people don’t vote. They realize people who do vote, vote traditionally. They know that most voters do not understand the underlying facts surrounding important issues, and politicians well understand that if they can confuse voters with conflicting information, it is likely the voters will eventually lose interest and become mute.

Note that on the issue of gasoline costs, Republicans make public statements that support their position; Democrats make claims that support their position. Voters, who are too lazy to conduct independent research and analysis, throw up their hands and pretend that eventually, the problems will simply go away. I am not surprised that by the time November arrives, most people are too disgusted to vote. Politicians know this, too. They count on it.

Recently, ten Republicans and ten Democrats put together a comprehensive energy plan; Pelosi refused to allow it to come before the House. She allowed the House to go into recess while pressing issues demand resolution. Any normal person would conclude that this type of behavior is unacceptable, but you can believe that individuals voting for Pelosi (and others like her) in the past will vote for her again. Voters deserve whom they vote for, but when you stop and think about it, this is exactly the situation most preferred by socialists. It follows the European model … either politically disconnected citizens who think their responsibility ends once elections are over with, or those who won’t vote because they believe it is a waste of time. Even a legal mandate to vote won’t fix our politician problem in this country. It can only be resolved when citizens begin active participate in the political process.

Excellent post, Tap … I apologize for going on too long.

The Griper said...

another way to look at it is from the election point of view. the longer the dems stall on this the angrier the voter will get. guess who benefits at the polls this fall?

the dems may have painted themselves in a corner and can't get out with this tactic.

Tapline said...

Mustang, Outstanding read....I think you have described our political process to a tee. I was never interested in politics until I discovered who is or isn't representing whom and why. I do say if they don't do what they are sent there to do. vote them out....Problem is they vote back in the wrong people. look at cold cash Jefferson, or the Mayor of New Orleans. screw up and your back in no sweat.....Makes perfect sense to me...... anyway, I appreciate your input I do know how they try to manipulate people, but it is good to read about it to refresh our memories..At my age I just forget....(sometimes). ...I ramble, stay well.....

Gripper, thanks for stopping by....I hope they shot themselves in the foot and gangrene sets in.....serves them right, by not listening to the people....stay well.....

crabby old man said...
If you get a chance read this editoral by JB Williams

Jackie said...

I believe Mustang has given some very valid reasons why John Q. Public is ignored...the one that really bugs me is : "They understand most people don’t vote."

Apathy is a killer.

By the way, I just read the article that crabby left on his comment. It's an "eye-opener"!

Anonymous said...

Great blog Tap, nothing I can add to it. You are right on target.

durano lawayan a.k.a. brad spit said...

Hi Tapline,

I subscribe to what Mustang has detailed. I also believe that calling a recess when the country's biggest concern is left hanging is the height of irresponsibility.

These people are so obsessed with their strategies to further their selfish interests rather than work for the needs of the people they supposedly serve.

You're right, I hope they all get voted out this November, and hope further that the situation Mustang described about voters being confused or fed up and therefore not vote, does not happen.

Take care and thanks for your support Tap. :-) --Durano, done!

Tapline said...

DD2, Thanks for stopping by and your comments......stay well....

Brad, I read your Posts daily and although I do not add a comment, it is read....thanks for stopping by and adding your much appreciated comments.....stay well