Today, I read an article printed in the Jewish World Review Titled: "Church/State wall beginning to crumble?" by Cris Leppek.
The article states that "on Jul 23, 10th US Circuit Court of Appeals, reversed a lower court decision...." As of that writing the State of Colorado had not appealed the decision, but who knows. Read the entire article, The wall of separation of church and state which has been so devastating to these United States for many years might finally have a crack in it. I have long maintained the Constitution speaks of freedom Of religion not From religion and there is no separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.... This is paraphrased because I do not have a copy of it handy.....anyway I think you get where I am coming from. The founders did not separate God from government, He was very much a part of it...If allowed to stand this could open many doors for our country. As it is written when God closes a door he usually opens another one, He was just a little longer opening this one, but what is time, but a twinkling of an eye to Him.....One thing that these institutions of higher learning should be looking at, is when the government gives something they always want something in return. What will they be asking for in return ?????stay well....
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"We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights...." Tapline, who will decide who the creator is? The Declaration of Independence states "...their creator.." There are many different people protected by our constitution with many different faiths. Will the christians decide for all Americans who THEIR creator is? That doesn't sound American.
.."...One thing that these institutions of higher learning should be looking at, is when the government gives something they always want something in return. What will they be asking for in return ?????stay well...."
Any time you let the Gov.give you something it just puts You more under their thumb.Plus anything you give up to the Gov. you will never get it back.That is why I'm against any gun control. I believe no one needs a a fully automatic weapon except Military or law enforcement, but if you give them up then it starts to snowball. Then they will get your pistols then rifles, then your shotguns& then we're naked. Now I'm the one who rambles , got completly off the subject
Nicea, I can't go to your blog so I do not know from whense you come....You are pressing the same arguement that has troubled the courts for many years.....This Nation was founded on a Judeo-Christian foundation, neither you nor any other individual can change it. It sounds as though you want to change the Constitution to suit the situation as you see it. It is not being unamerican to state the obvious, and I know you can say obvious to whom.....I cannot change your mind nor can you change mine so be it.....Thanks for stopping by and your input is appreciated. I see from your name, Nicea,,,Turkey comes to mind about 12 Miles from Yalova.....stay well...
Crabby, You are so right and I agree with your assessment.....thanks for stopping by.....
I agree with your assessment, Tap. It would be a great thing and I consider this good news! You stay well too! :)
I am also on summer vacation now. I have discussed religion and politics occasionally. Mostly about the Islamic world.
Also in Japan, this is a sensitive issue, as the Yasukuni Shrine is related to wartime fascism.
Coincidentally, it is the End of War Memorial Day.
Nicea doesn't have a blog, Tap. If he or she did, it would be linked.
I agree with Crabby too, but it's still nice to know we won one!
"The founders did not separate God from government"
But will President Obama and his mentor's like the Rev. Wright do so?
I hope we never find out!
Nicea, as Tap stated America was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. Therefore, the "creator" spoken of by the Founding Fathers is the God of the Bible. This doesn't mean that people of other faiths aren't free to practice them; it does mean, though, that those religions can't lay any claim to influencing America's founding. Revolutionary War soldiers shouted "No king but King Jesus!", not king Mohammed, not king Buddha, not king Krishna. However much that may upset you, Nicea, that's historical reality. Try embracing it for a change.
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