Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Were they Lies??

The los Angeles Times has an article by James Kirchick titled "Bush never Lied to us about Iraq." It was an outhstanding read and I suggest it be required reading by everyone who wants to know the truth and not retoric or lies see:,0,7766785.story?track=rss


Jackie said...

I'm not politically experienced enough to have any burning opinions of the right or wrong of decisions made by our Commander-in-Chief. But I've always maintained that there will come a time when George W. Bush will become the one "who was right".

Two years ago, there was a little ditty that came out on You Tube...."Bush Was Right" by (who else?) The Right Brothers.
When you have time, it might give you a grin.

You post great stuff!!

Peace to your household, Tapline

Tapline said...

Inspired, Thanks for commenting...I do not like what I see and hear today from our politicians. They do not represent those who sent them there and you cant tell me enviornmentalist have bought a complete political party,,,,No! it is to the point of idioticy that they refuse to do the will of the people. I'm afraid if they don't start doing something right away..This winter will be one of record, but not the one our reps what to see. People will have to choose whether to keep warm, buy prescriptions or eat. It will be that bad. Oh, they will try to throw money at the problem instead of addressing the root cause.....And that is their stubborness not to see the full measure of what they have produced. As the old says goes,"WE will reap the whirlwind". I don't look forward to winter....stay well

Anonymous said...

No, Bush didn't lie . . . but the Democrats sure do whenever they stand up behind a podium and proclaim their love for America. If they in fact cared anything at all for this wonderful nation, they would support the traditional values that made the USA a great country. In my view, the Democratic Party represents people who HATE America.

Semper Fi

Anonymous said...

Hi Tap.
I personally never believed that he lied.
It was a clear case that Iraq had WMD, that was never a question in my mind.

Tapline said...

We're on the same on....stay well...

Tapline said...

dd2, I agree with you. I got so tired of the spin and it's still going on. Why can't they understand what they are doing around the world, not just here. God....Read the news, they think so global....supposedly.....stay well....

crabby old man said...

I do not think Bush lied about the situation And so for on his watch we've not been attacked on OUR HOME GROUND since 9/11.
BUSH is still crabby's #1COWBOY.I believe yrs down the road he will be given credit for being one of our better presidents & a GREAT American

Tapline said...

Crabby, He like his father before him had a grand plan. I think his is along the lines of a North American Union for him and more a great society for his father. Could be wrong, but....When a man has as much money as the majority of Congress and the president you have a tendency to forget the little man. Of course they dont forget the words that make us feel they are looking out for our interest,but....Actions speak louder than words. No one in the beltway is currently looking out for the interest of the average American. Like Abraham to God, If I can find but 10. I even doubt that.
They have sold their souls to the horned one and the almighty dollars speaks, but if that keeps falling there won't be an almighty dollar....I ramble....stay well...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this up. Even the Robert's report indicated there was clear signs that there had been WMD in Iraq and there was speculation that they were either moved to Syria or Russia or both. The entire intelligence community both foreign and domestic believed there were WMD. The fact we did not find ALL of them when we got there does not mean the did not have the stockpile that he claimed.

Furthermore, the fact that he gassed his own people proves he had WMD. I'm sure he didn't just use it on his people then decided not to create more of it.

Tapline said...

Bobo, Thanks for stopping by. I lost your blog somewhere. Now I can put it up. I agree, I read the same thing, but can't remember where I read it.......stay well...

Gayle said...

Interesting coincidence here, Tap. I just finished leaving a link to that LA Times Editorial piece on someone else's comment section!

It is indeed true that President Bush didn't lie, but the Democrats will never admit it. I also believe there were WMD's. We certainly gave Saddam ample time to remove them, but even if there weren't any, the CIA said there was and I don't see how President Bush can be blamed for that!

Our Senate reminds me so much of Rome's Senate. The Democrats don't stab Bush in the back literally as Caesar was stabbed, but I'm not so sure they wouldn't if they thought they could get away with it.

Tapline said...

Gayle, Thanks for stopping by....You are so right....

The Vegas Art Guy said...

Shoot the link isn't working anymore. But I agree with you and the article. Anyone with the IQ of a doorknob knew that Iraq had WMDs, had used them and still possessed them. Hell Saddam was a WMD all by himself and so were his two sons.

Tapline said...

Vegas guy, Thanks for stopping by firstimer....I'll take a looksee at your blog...stay well..

Average American said...


I guess I'll never know 100% for sure if there were still WMD there or not, but I believe there were. Saddam sure wanted the world to think he had them. If anybody lied, IT WAS SADDAM!! So the slogan should be:

Saddam lied---people died!
(including him!)