The United States of America has a NEW Law Making Branch of Government. I say new but it really isn't. The SCOTUS has taken on a new role. They now establish laws that apply to alien combatants outside our nation bringing them under the protection of our Constitution. That is really presumptous of them to give an enemy of the United States protection under our Constitution. 5 of the 9 justices have taken it upon themselves to create new laws to prove that the Constitution is a living document and hence can be added to or taken from as the case dictates., Does this really fall within their perview? They have taken from the president, his authority as Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces and turned it over to the Courts in a time of war. (Stupid me!, this is not a war,people are being killed and The battlefield has become a Court of law) but, we are not at war. This, like Vietnam, is a police action, but are we not overstepping just a bit into the international arena? What is this Court thinking ??
Read the descent from Justices Scilia and Roberts, they certainly tell it like it is, and lay out some of the ramifications of their brothers latest action. God help our military!! the courts certainly will not.
Talk about having oversight, the foxes are in the chicken house, Not to worry, soon there will be no chickens left to raise red flags, only white ones and that won't be the chickens. It will be the foxes.
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Tapline: I've been keeping up with this deplorable action. It just adds to the burdens our nation is already experiencing. This decision made me sick. All I can say is "God help us and keep us strong!"
Inspired, Thanks for stopping by....One of our more conservative senators can draft a law to try to undo the harm that has been done. Then of course SCOTUS can rule that that too is unconstitutional. After all they are untouchable and they know it.
That is the travesty of this decision. This overturned a congressional law. For this congress to agree on anything is amazing. For the SCOTUS to overturn it is terrible. The congress needs to vote to override this bad decision. All the more reason to elect McCain who has pledged to appoint conservative judges. Wow, this is a bad moment in US history.
Does the phrase "Going to Hell in a handbasket" ring a bell? Every time a start thinking I've seen it all, along comes an even more dastardly act. What is with judges lately, not just the supreme court, all of them? Since when do they MAKE laws? They're just supposed to interpret them!
AA, Thanks for stopping by. and I don't know whats with our judges lately. You are singing the same tune, I have been singing for quite some time. Just for starters look at how many babies are murdered each day because of a courts order....stay well....
L&O teach, Thanks for stopping by. I had a comment up and misspelled a word, which is not unusual for me, so I cancelled the whole comment....There will be no override from our wayward Congress. See what OB has to say about the ruling..No big thing. What does he stand as far as the military is concerned??? probably where the rest of the Socialist stand and that's we don't need a military....basically.....only for home defense.Yea lots of luch ...stay well.....
WHT, Thanks you, It was a great Father's day.
The court's decision will have significant consequences, and Justice Kennedy should be ashamed of himself. His swing was irrational and, as you pointed out, over-stepped the traditional role of the Supremee Court.
I will not be surprised if the US begins turning detained unlawful combatants over to a third-party government so that they can extract intelligence information. Nor will I be surpised if our troops start taking fewer prisoners. Neither of these possible scenarios will cause me to lose any sleep.
Semper Fi
"The foxes are in the chicken house", haven't heard or read that for a while, is there an ideological imbalance amongst judges in America?
Glad you had a great Fathers day...
The liberal politicians & Judges may cause another revolution. We canot survive as a free nation the way we're heading. I cannot understand why the people keep electing the liberals to office. It seems like people vote for the person who promises to help them the most, but what's good for Crabby may not be good for The USA
I'm not a Sir Charles Barkley fan but I loved his quote" poor people have been voteing for Democrats for 50 yrs. & they are still poor"
Mustang, You have it right and I thini your right on all counts. I still think our legislature should react and not allow SCOTUS to usurp them..stay well....
Although, they, the SCOTUS is suppose to be above this. This, I thought was why they have lifetime appointments, to keep politics out of their decision making, unfortutnately many have become internationalist and I wouldn't be suprised if the Law of Hamarabi wouldn't come into some of their rulings, Just kidding, but they do view the Constitution differently. They as with every member of our government are swore to uphold it. In their case they interprete what it says. It does not give them license to make new laws, like bringing non-United States citizens under iis protection, LEASTWAYS, I do not think they have that authority. In doing what they did they took away the authority of our Legislature. They are the law making body of our Government, However, they had already spoken to this issue and set up military tribunals as the SCOTUS directed. Evidently, the SCOTUS didn't think they went far enough to protect the rights of the sworn enemies of the United States. I do not do good in Political Science, butI think they have opened a "Pandora's box" and unless it is closed, God pity our military who will be called in some situations, from the battlefield to answer, in a court of law, for this ill conscieve decision.,,,stay well...
Crabby, Thanks for stopping by....Charlie B is spot on. I can remember when The Democratic Party was, or at least spouted the evils of Big Business. Now they are big business and are still spouting the same old retoric. Unchanged, in all these years, but something has changed in that time frame. We have become a nation, as with Europe, without God, trying to have Big Brother do everything for us Cradle to the grave Socialism, or put another way Communism. What I have fought against for many many yeats we have now become. Our Welfare programs known as a safety net now encompasses more and more of our people. The sad part of it is they are told, That welfare check is theirs' , it is their's and they deserve it. It is their right. Where they derived that right I don't know probably the Government,,,But who is " The Government".....OH! That's me...I didn't give them Cart Blac...Did You....No but our reps did so they would vote Democratic...See they"re taking care of you.....I ramble....stay well....
Well we soon will have a Justice Bill or a Justice Hillary and we won't have to worry about anything anymore.
Either one of them will solve all our problems....................LOL
Lets hope not!
People should read this.
Amalie, Thanks for commenting, most people commented when it happened, but it died down and nothing was done in response to the request to act....stay well
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