Monday, February 11, 2008

The Merida Initiative

In going through my blog readings today, I came across a post by Michelle Malkin entitled "The White House wants a 1.4 Billion Stimulus/National Security Package...for Mexico. I along with all who read it was really taken back by the whole notion of our country giving Mexico aid to help secure their southern border,,,,,I said, Their southern border. In phase I $550 million has already been appropriated, according to the post...You have to read the whole thing to get what the significance of the post really does and it has been agreed to by our administration. The title of the initiative is "the Merida Initiative". Now will someone start to look southward to see what is transpiring. We can't build a wall, but we can help Mexico improve their security situation....By the way has anyone looked at the graft and paybacks in Mexico lately.Hummmmm where will that funding go........Lots of luck....It's good to know someone is watching our backs, while our southern border is being penerated daily by Mexico's army and illegals. We are helping Mexico secure their border...And I said it couldn't get worse,,,,and it did......stay well.....


durano lawayan a.k.a. brad spit said...

Hi Tap,

Putting 1.4 billion dollars to guard the South border with Mexico? Given to the Mexicans? And who will guard the place Mexicans too? Isn't there something odd about the whole thing?

If you ask me, I think this deal sucks! --Durano, done!

Tapline said...

Durano, the money is for Mexico to use on their southern border, not ours....according to the blog where I got the information...probably if one googles "the Merida Initiative" it should also tell a person what's up with the program......stay well...

Paul Champagne said...

I hadn't heard about this before ... but from what I have heard, Mexico already has their Army on its' southern border ... and that is who is letting in the South and Central American migrants (for a donation to the soldier's personal retirement accounts).

Anonymous said...

Remember Katrina

Mexico sent warships and trucks loaded with goodies to help us during Katrina. Payback time !!! And here is a word to my American compadres on THIS side of the border - stay HOME, do not travel to MEXICO, time to stop helping the CORRUPT gang of politicians running their country.


WomanHonorThyself said...

thanks Tap..hadnt heard this latest fiasco either..and the beat goes on my friend!

Tapline said...

Paul, Long Time, no hear....thanks for stopping by....I know and you would think the administration would know about this too.....but....

CFS, You are right on. Rush picked this up from Michelle today and she has a follow-up post also. stay well....

WHT, I think this is a follow up of the give away in 1990 according to the post. try googling they might have the whole thing. Some of the comments on Michelle's Blog are also interesting.....stay well..

AmPowerBlog said...

Thanks for commenting on my page, Tapper!!

Don't know too much about this "initiative," but I do know that we need to focus on the terrorist threat around the world.

Hopefully this "stimulus" for Mexico doesn't hinder that effort!!

Tapline said...

DD, Thanks for stopping by, I do not know what will finally wake up America. We are undermined from without and from within. Unfortunately, we have so downgraded our security apparatus that it cannot cover everything that needs to be investigated, as can be seen by background investigations not being completed on immigrants. utterly disgraceful for a Nation with no effective oversight being done to protect this nation.....stay well...

Jackie said...

tap: I think I know what will wake America up, but it won't be pleasant and it won't be quick.

Like the Boy Scout Motto..."Be prepared...always be prepared."

Tapline said...

inspired, Thanks for stopping by...I know what you mean, but I hate to think of the fallout. Even it does occur only the people who are effected will really feel the pain, others will get over it in a week......stay well......

Seane-Anna said...

Hey Tap! This is insane!!!! And to think Americans are on fire for Obama. Do they really think we'll get less of this $h!t if he's president?

crabby old man said...

I didn't not know of this, hope someone is left standing to pick up the pieces.

Tapline said...

Seane, thanks for stopping by. All this is being done under the Republican leadership. Of course it will continue. stay well...

Crabby, thanks for coming by.....Oh speaking of flag we will make that over to include our neighbors and become one big happy family, like the EU....stay well.

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Thanks for reporting this tap

Tapline said...

AI, thanks for stopping byand the comment....stay well.....

Gayle said...

This one got past me too, Tap. Thanks for posting about it, even though the very idea turns my stomach! I've been angry about our border situation for a very long time. I would post about this stupidity too, if I had the time. I'm too busy to post right now and can barely find the time to visit. I think I'll save the link to this post and write about it when I come back.

Blessings, and keep up the good work!

Tapline said...

Gayle, Thanks for stopping by....This initiative and also today I read about the Mexican diplomat being at a public school in California giving registering illegals with some sort of document to give to banks in order to do business with them in the US. and the beat goes on.....What exactly is happening here that we dont know about????????

Tapline said...

I messed up on my last. I started out say, the initiative was something I certainly did not expect from this administration. then my thought process got ahead of my fingers and I left half of it out. Sorrry about that.....

Anonymous said...

Don't forget that I am hearing that they have a lower inflation rate than we do in Mexico and the Canadian $ is stronger than ours. Seems like Bush and Vincente's backdoor plan to unite our currencies may not be a crazyperson's conspiracy after all.

And, in other news, you won an award on my blog.

Tapline said...

ALR, I just lost my entire comment again.....I do it all the time and don't know how to get it back, if indeed I can get it back....Anyway,,,NO thank you....I do not want to combine my currency with another nation....Whether it be Mexico or Canada. My fore fathers fought for this country since the 1600's on my fathers side on my mothers....They met them as they came ashore.....Economics, be damned....This country is going to hell in a handbasket and we are watching it happen..... I think I am becoming an isolationist....especially when people start talking about combining anything that is American with another nation. Treaties are fine and economic cooperation is also fine, and that is where it ends. Nothing that delutes my soverignity is acceptable.......Thanks for the award ALR I will have to wait until
my daughter gets here to bring it over to my blog....I ramble....stay well.....

Gayle said...

Tap, check your e-mail for a letter to help you with blogger comments.