Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Looks like Fred is stilll in there!!!

As I have stated before on my remarks on blogs stating preferences for our Presidential Primary. I have remained with my primary pick. Fred Thompson. I feel he is sincere when speaking to the issures facing America and He is a strict constitutionist. We have for too long drifted as a nation from our roots. Our fundimental rights as put forth by our forefathers. This might seem like old hat, but I personally agree with his assessments not just in fundimental Federalism. I do not find it amusing that a Supreme Court Justice will venture into International Court decisions rather that going where he/she should go to the Constitution and do what he/she is hired to do. That is to interpret the U.S. Constitution as it relates to the case in question.
Finally, a Representitive has come out in Support of my choice. GOP Rep Steve King of Iowa. In his statement of endorcement. He went through all the reasons why he picked Fred...It was great, I wish I was such an orator. Oh well! See Michelle's Blog for a complete post also Pajamas media Blog has a post on the endorcement. I ramble....stay well....


crabby old man said...


WomanHonorThyself said...

hiya Tap!...As I've said..the jury's still out..I'm still soooooo undecided my friend!

Tapline said...

Crabby, Im with you...I just wonder when the media is going to report on what happened yesterday with the Iowa Rep endorcement.....Fox had Thompson on for a short time, but at least they had him. Those damn polls. they get back what is fed to the people. the way they want it......I guess I'm just being negative. But I haven't seen him on anything lately. not so for the rest of the crew......stay well...

Wht,,Thanks for stopping by. Just expressing an opinion, everyone I'm sure has one. I've read so much lately about the constitution and I want someone who will stand up for the continuing nibbling at our individual rights. If it's not the state thinking they know better, its the federal government. and its all being done for our own good. You see we don't know what is good for us but the govermnent does...Look at San Francisco, taxing soda loded with fructose because it isn[t good for you and they think you shouldn;'t eat it....Make sense?????Not in my book.......Common sense must come back somewhere.... I ramble....saty well......

Paul Champagne said...

If you delve into Thompson's voting record when he was a Senator ... he is not as Conservative as he seems.

Tapline said...

Paul, I haven't checked his voting record, but I have seen and heard what he's running against and I like what he says and how he says it. I do not hear anything but, spend on social programs from the others. I think we have a way to got to clear up the harm that has already befallen this nation. He is the only one who is strong on illegal Immigration, Defense, education, and the economy. He has programs on SSA. and other areas that need fixing....stay well.....

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the visit yesterday!

I think that a lot of people were expecting a more aggressive campaign from Fred and when it didn't materialize we kinda thought, huh? Why is he running if he isn't doing anything? Now, maybe he is doing lots, just not in VA. Or maybe he is doing a lot and the media is ignoring it in an attempt to sabotage his campaign. I don't know...and now I am the one rambling!

Tapline said...

ALR, You seem to be putting my thoughts and yours together, because I feel maybe this candidate doesnt measure up to what the MSM thinks should be consided seriously as presidential???? Naaah!!!!couldn't be??

Anonymous said...


Good morning from the West Coast. For some reason candidate Thompson looks tired each time I watch him on the news programs. I was expecting to see him kicking some a** and taking names but it is possible that the best is yet to come. Right now the momentum is on Huckabee's side, but I do NOT expect him to win the nomination [I do expect Romney to win the gold in the primaries and then the gold in November 2008]. Good luck to your candidate. Have a productive weekend in Maine and stay out of that cold weather!


Tapline said...

cfs, You could be right. I hope not I'm not looking forward to paying for socialized medicine, but If Romney gets in I'm afraid thats a part of his platform. There are only two running that I would trust with foreign policy. Fred and McCain. Some of McCain's policy, I do not agree with such as no Torture at any price and illigal immigration ....stay well....

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Now who would I vote for if I were an American?

Mitts conservatism coupled with his support for free-market economics and moralism is appealing...and I like McCain strength of character and knowledge/resolve on matters relating to national security. Probably McCain I'd say. Good luck with your chosen candidate Tap...

John J. Kaiser said...

I've got a pro-Thomspon ad on my blog. Although lately I've become somewhat conflicted over who to vote for.

Tapline said...

AI, Thanks for stopping by....He was my back-up choice, backup in that he is soooooofffftttt on Illegal Immigration.... I also look at his firmness on no torture. As it stands now. If we talk rough to a prisoner...Is that torture. An enemy who knows no bounds. They already thank God when captured by an American vs. some other troops or people from some other Middle Eastern country. So, I guess our interragations are not that bad. Do not get me wrong, I am not open to torture, but There are times when I think every option should be open. We are talking Diry Bombs, Mass murders. and the beat goes on....I would be really concerned if he got the nod....stay well...

Tapline said...

JJK, Thanks, for stopping by. The biggest problem is the MSM is not picking up anything Fred says and he says plenty....One has to get the publicity and that is not being done by the TV nor anyone else. Its like there are 4 front runners and that is what they are pushing, and pushing hard. Michelle Malkin has a post on Fred today and a couple other blogs have a write up....stay well....

WomanHonorThyself said...

have a beautiful holiday Tap!

Seane-Anna said...

Hey Tap! No comment on Thompson, just wanted to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

AmPowerBlog said...

Hope you're having a great Christmas, Tapper!

Here's to you and yours for a great '08!

Tapline said...

Had a great Christmas, thanks and same to you and yours.....

Jackie said...

and also, Happy 49? Anniversary!

Gayle said...

I’m breaking my vow to not post or comment during this month of celebration (although I'm not posting, just commenting) in order to wish a few of my blogging friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Fred is looking better and better to me too, Tap, although I will vote for any Republican who becomes the front runner, I surely would prefer one who upholds conservative values.

Tapline said...

insprire,,,,,Thank you so much....I forgot and I'm on my way out the door to get a card....Or she'll divorce me, ha ha....stay well....

Tapline said...

Gayle, Thanks for stopping by and I wish you and yours a very merry Christmas, belated and a very prosperous New Year....stay well.....

Anonymous said...


Okay shipmate, dropping by to wish YOU and YOUR family a happy new year. As per my crystal ball YOU will have a good 2008.


Tapline said...

Thanks for stopping by.... an a Happy New Year....stay well.....

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Hiya Tapline, just passing by, door was open so thought I'd say hello there...Take care...

Tapline said...

AI, thanks for stopping by. just taking a breather.....I think its the holidays....stay well....

durano lawayan a.k.a. brad spit said...

Tapline, thanks for the visit and the comment. I've gone over a couple of your posts here and I can feel your enthusiasm for Fred Thompson.

I am following the US elections too from long distance here in the Philippines, a country you mentioned you visited. I have also done several posts regarding Romney, Giuliani, Huckabee, Obama, and Hillary between October and November, i think.

Thompson is largely ignored by the media, or should I say the Republican controlled media(?), but you are right about his adherence to the Constitution. Unfortunately, he lacks charisma, the quality that will excite and inspire people. He's being a left of center conservative is another reason for his uncharacteristic absence from R-MSM.

I believe he should come out strongly and really kick-ass as one of the commenters here mentioned. He should especially watch developments in Pakistan and come out fiercely against any possible complicity of the US in Bhutto's death. Invoking the constitution and American Ideals as embodied therein is noble, but it must be applied to real lives and real events. Also, the Bill of Rights applies to all people, not just Americans. If we allow torture, then we are just the same as the terrorists we detest.

I've said enough, thanks! Happy New Year to you! --Durano, done!

Anonymous said...

I think a Fred / Rudy or a Rudy/ Fred, could be the winning ticket

Tapline said...

dd2, Something that will not happen is a Fred and McCain Ticket. This would be a winner. I think some of the dirt of New York Politics is still stuck to Giuliani... Thanks for stopping by....

Tapline said...

Brad, Thanks for stopping by and your comments are appreciated. I think you have the media placed in the wrong party. They have done nothing but decimated the Republican Party for many years. They also are no friend to the military. They have bashed, lied and reported slant or 1/2 truths for years in reporting about the war. Thank God for the Blogs that has filtered their bogus reporting and reported the truth has the public finally seen what was happening. This process has been done with the MSM and our elected officials as well. I have never been so involved with communications to our reps, as I have recently. As far as our Bill of Rights are concerned, the first 10 amentments, I believe, were based on English law. I found that out while researching the second amendment, "right to bear armes". of which much has been written of late. The US Supreme Court is currently ruling on a portion of this law presently
I have been to your main Island many times. In fact. When I was a youngster,,,I went through Jungle Survival there,out in the wilds, dropped by Helicopters and left, only to be found by "Negritos" as part of an exercise. I have also spent many nights in Angeles City. .....I ramble....stay well...

Tapline said...

Brad, I have added you to my blog list, if that's OK?

WomanHonorThyself said...


Tapline said...

WHT, Have a very Happy and prosperous New Year, and stay well.....

AmPowerBlog said...

Wishing you a great '08!