Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why now?

A couple of weeks ago I received an E-Mail from a friend in Florida. I didn't quite understand what it was trying to say other than Public services coupled with grants from the federal government was installing "smart meters" on homes and some people were questioning their use..there were many concerns expressed over the use of these meters, ranging from health to security issues. Also included in the E-Mail was a letter, a person could use to advise their energy company they wanted to opt out using this meter. A few days ago I got a letter from Central Maine Power, they were installing smart meters in my home town. There was no cost to install this smart meter which would send data back to a central location, on command, by a radio signal...If I didn't elect to have this meter installed. I had two other options Option A and B. Option A. the company would install a smart meter without the transmission capability, but would cost $20.00 for initial installation and $10.50 per month additional charge. Option B, I could keep my current meter, but would be charged an initial $40.00fee and $12.00 per month(user fee, I guess?). The meter would be read every two months. ......
The brochure I received with this information, printed by Central Maine Power, stated "smart meters would eliminate 1,400 tons of carbon dioxide emissions because we don't have to drive to your meter to read it."anyway.....My question is.... given the present economic climate, How many more jobs will be lost with the use of this meter?....question ???.Why Now?!!


Jackie said...

We haven't heard about the Smart Meters in our area of Texas. But it won't be long, I'm sure. This subject hasn't been widely publicized. But just read this online...SMT was launched in 2008..just about the time the new administration was gaining force. Oncar makes it sound sooo good! Your question "Why Now?" is one that many people will be asking.

Jackie said...

ooops! I forgot to publish the link:


Seane-Anna said...

How many jobs will be lost because of these "smart" meters? Good question, Tap. Whatever the number the eco-whackos won't care so long as their socialist eco-dream comes true. Stay well.

Anonymous said...

I bet I know the reason for them. To be able to raise the amount of money the people are paying, in the guise of helping them.