Sunday, December 13, 2009

Gettin a head start??

I don't quite know what or why this is happening, but my daughter who was working two jobs to make ends meet until her husband got Social Security Disability payments. It took over two years of trying with an incurable degenerative disease which effects the nerves in his hands and feet, similar to neuropathy. He has little to no feeling in his hands and feet and by trade he is an electician. It took three refusals and an attorney to finally get approved as disabled....Anyway that's not the reason for this post.
Last week, my daughter who has health insurance for the family through her employer.was informed that the insurance premium was being increased for next year. It will be increasing by $500.00 a month making the total payment of $1200.00 a month just to cover medical expenses for the three of them. With the raise in payments she will now bring home about 700.00.
This must have something to do with the scare in the insurance industry about the upcoming vote on National Health Care. Now I don't know if this insurance company is for the Socialized Medicine or not but it sure is making this family look at the possiblily of quiting a job to be eligible for medical assistance from the State. This is an increase of almost 50% and is an outrage. Her husband cannot get Medicare because he has not been disabled by their computation for 24 months. I will be checking with the state licensing bureau about the legality of such an increase, but it's probably within their charter.....I also heard of other companies doing similar increases. where is the logic in this move to increase premiums so drastically .....just saying.....


Anonymous said...

Seems the Obama ideals are hitting your daughter early. As for her husband, he is in our prayers, as are all of you...God Bless you all.


highboy said...

Its happening to everyone. Those of us who go through UPMC at Wal-Mart were just told that their premiums were going up 40%.

Tapline said...

High, I haven't checked with the insurance commish yet, but I suspect this is because of the Health Care mess that they're trying to cram down our throats....This is insane....stay well and thanks for stopping by....

Jackie said...

Tap...take care. The world is insane. The most we can do is try to preserve our own sanity. Thanks for dropping by to check on me. Let us know what you find out concerning the insurance.

Tapline said...

Jackie, thanks for stopping by and adding your words of wisdom...stay well...

Joe said...

I think the insurance companies are trying to get as far ahead as they can before they are forced into oblivion. In anticipation of ObamaCare they are trying to build up a cash reserve to hold them until someone overturns ObamaCare or gets it declared unconstitutional.

crabby old man said...


Tapline said...

joe, thanks for stopping by. The problem is that it makes these young people look to the government to help them which is what the government wants....awful situation......stay well...

Crabby, How are you getting along?????It sure has messed up my head more than anything else..except the country.....stay well....

Seane-Anna said...

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to you, Tap, and your family. I hope and pray that things work out for your daughter and her husband.

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

Merry Christmas, Tapline! What a wonderful gift the Senate (Democrats) gave us on Christmas Eve! [/sarcasm]

Tapline said...

Seane, Thanks for stopping by.....God will provide..... We still have each other also....stay well....

Wordsmith,,,Thanks for stopping...I know, Those weasels,,,I say get rid of the lot.....lets get some new blood and I mean new.......stay well....

WomanHonorThyself said...

hey Tap! sorry to hear of the fall out..but all will be well I'm sure!..what a mess this Horror in the white house has gotten us into my friend!!!...Happiest holidays!

Tapline said...

Angel, Thanks for stopping by and to answer your comments...YES! and I'm afraid it might get more messy......

Jackie said...


I think I missed it...your anniversary. Seems like the 29th? Anyway, wishing you and your wife the best in 2010!

Tapline said...

Jankie, Thanks for the are a little off in your number though. It was our 51st and still going strong...stay well....

Jackie said...

LOL!! Tap...I meant the 29th of December....NOT years! I KNEW how many years because we've just had our 52nd. I believe we ALL need to be congratulated...Happy New Year!

AmPowerBlog said...

Happy New Year, Tapper!

WomanHonorThyself said...

Keep the faith Tap!..a new year brings new promise!:)

Σ. Alexander said...

Some people often say American health care system needs to catch up with those of Europe and Japan. There is nothing wrong to talk about social equality. The problem is what real gains and losses are.