Thursday, March 5, 2009

When does it end or where??

Anne Bayefsky has written an excellent article in JWR, dated March 3, 2009, Titled "The Obama Administration caught Double Dealing on Israel" It is an article concerning our involvement with Durban II. An excellent read as is another Article written by Frank J Gaffney,in the same publication, Titled "S-U-B-M-I-S-S-I-O-N". I haven't read much about this in MSM nor TV?? What is your take on this ?


Joe said...

President BO is playing the same game he has played from the get-go: say what sounds good; do what's expedient.

Tapline said...

Sorry, on the second name....Frank J Gaffney should read Frank J Gaffney Jr.

Joe, Thanks for stopping by. I know, I know,,,,,What's with an oath of office anymore????? stay well.....

Anonymous said...

I think we all have his number by now

Tapline said...

Stones, Thanks for stopping by..and your comments....It's one thing to get one's number and another to spread the word on what's happening around you....stay well...

Seane-Anna said...

Anne Bayefsky's article should be a wake-up call to all those dolts who insisted that Obama's 20 year membership in Rev. Wright's Palestinian and Hamas supporting church didn't matter. It does, and now we really know it. Thank you for this post, Tap.

Average American said...

NObama knows precious little about foreign policy, ESPECIALLY when it comes to Israel. We can only HOPE the world can make it through the next 4 years without getting into another world war. Iran would be wise to realize just what the stakes are with a nutjob in charge of the U.S. military. That means that Israel has to act in their own self-defense----AND THEY KNOW THAT, and they will defend themselves!

Tapline said...

Seana- Thanks for stopping by....the best way to stay abreast of what's happening over there is to read JWR. They have some excellent articles....How many years has administrations tried to fix something that is unfixable....One cannot negotiate with a party who will not acknowledge the existance of the other!!!!!Who doesn't get this?????Israel should not give up anything......I don't know what people don't get....It's it.....It happened....stay well Anne...

AA, thanks for commenting...We will see, I just hope one opens his eyes before it's too late for all of us.....It reminds me of the peanut giving up the Israeli oil wells with his diplomacy and treaty with Egypt, but that's another story....Stay well...

WomanHonorThyself said...

hey there TAP!..a wake up call?..sorry I dont see that in the forseeable future!

Gayle said...

Hi Tap!

Regarding Obama, all I can is "ARRRRRGH!" The rest of my thoughts aren't fit to print!

Law and Order Teacher said...

BO can't control domestic policy. He's being pummeled everyday with a new crisis and they are screwing up by the numbers. Let's see how the Euros will put up with his "reaching out" to muslim countries at their expense.

Tapline said...

WHT, Thanks for stopping by...I must put something together, but.....Anyway,,,Maybe slowly, people are waking up. It seems that things are happening so fast and the smoke is really being blown around...Look at the New EPA chief....Military being used in Ark. according to Glen Beck, with no follow-up by anyone else that I can find yet.....Many newspapers in Maine requesting money from the state.....Nancy's remarks about patriotism.
. What exactly do these senators take as oath of office??????What does it mean....And these are just a few items that only a couple are being reported on.....I ramble....stay well....

Gayle, I know the feeling......thanks for stopping by...stay well....

L&O Teach, I don't know about Europe and Islam, but I think they should be happy about the bailout of some of their banks by US taxpayers through AIG....

Law and Order Teacher said...

That's a good call. I didn't know about this when I posted. What the hell? I posted about these whacks in congress. I'm really getting nervous about this group. I thought the US was bullet proof. I'm not so sure anymore.

Tapline said...

L&O Teach,,,Thanks for stopping by....Don't be disallusioned!!! Just stay awake and on top of thinks daily....Reporting on most of the information listed on blogs are missing from the Mass Media...So we have to get our news from Blogs and I also listen to Beck and Dobbs....But on the Shariah Financing on AIG....Nothing.....anywhere that I can tell.....stay well......

Tapline said...

Correction::::A complete post one this subject is posted ,I believe, on Social Sense by Mustang dated March 18, was great......

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Thank you kindly for the comment you left on my blog about my father and grandfather, Tapline.


Tapline said...

BZ, thanks for stopping by....your welcome......