Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's Over!!! or is this the beginning...

The people spoke, I think anyway? It is reported that way anywey....Just what a person can believe is another story, altogether. Now the blame game. I can think of many avenues to place blame, but mostly to the American people who have become so complacent, they do not know what they have done, but they will, in very short order. I believe it was John Kennedy who stated "Ask not, what your country can do for you. Ask what can you do for your country" This is going to be tried in this administration Rather than having "a chicken in every po0t" You are going to be lucky if you have a chicken to put in a pot. This reminds me of the Show" YOu asked for it." Well, America you asked for it now we will see where all this retoric will take this nation first, In the name fairness and all: its only right to redistribute what you have worked for,and, don't talk to openly because it might hurt someones feelings and we can't have that and freedom of the press well lets not let that go too far, it could infringe on someone or something, so lets curb that. By the way they will be the first ones squaking, if they see it coming with all those blinders they have been wearing..Just saying and I do ramble.........


crabby old man said...

Amen Brother the people have lost their mind,They are voteing for what will benfit them, regardless how it effect the rest of the country.
I also believe a person must vote in the 1st primary before he can vote in November

Gayle said...

Exactly right, Tap. We will survive it, but I predict it's going to be a real bumpy ride!

Tapline said...

Crabby, As Gayle put it "We will survive it," I hadn't realized how far to the right he had drifted, but now we will see what transpires. "HE" is the first black man given that position now lets see what he does to deserve what he has.
Gayle, Thanks for stopping by...These are trying times. Stay well....

Tony C said...

Good points.

One things for sure...American will move on.

Tapline said...

Tony, Thanks for stoppiing by....I visited your blog...good should check out inspires Blog...She does......stay well.....

Anonymous said...

We've had the same lot in the UK for 10 years and the damage that they have done can NEVER be undone!

Law and Order Teacher said...

I agree we will survive. I think the country is stronger than any one group of people's power to destroy it. The genius of the constitution is its protection of the minority. The Senate is the salvation of the country now and the power of the filibuster is supreme. God Bless America.

Tapline said...

Dickiebo, Thanks for stopping by. I know and look at what multiculturalism got you, us too....Hopefully, the sleepers will wake up if they allow God to come back into their daily lives.....Isn't the quote "God save the Queen" still relevant over there?? again Thanks for stopping by...God bless...stay well

AA, Thanks for stopping by....I knew there would be a house cleaning. And I'm with you we still have the Senate, so some balance is there. I still think the bottom line is they are so far above the common people they no longer think like them therefore we buy what we sell....Stay well

Anonymous said...

"It's Over!!! or is this the beginning... "


Tapline said...

Throwing Stones, Thanks for stoppping by. I wish you has elaborated a little more into exactly what did you mean by "both". I could say, "Well he is agreeing with me." or "He is going to start changing the country and taking taking more individual freedomes " For the good of the masses" We will see won't we....stay well,....

Anonymous said...

I'm agreeing with you Tap..

Tapline said...

Walt, Thanks for stopping by. come back again. stay well...