Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What's happening to Oil??

I was sitting watching the morgage crisis unfold and across the screen come a statement that gas is $3.00 average price nationally. Well, I guess as one of the guests on Fox stated about the bottom dropping out of the oil crisis, a few days ago. As long as this bailout is not signed the cost of oil will drop. I would say this is good news, but what do I know? I do know that this experiment with Social Engineeering is a failure unless we do reallocate our money to fix the problem. How can anyone in their right mind say buy it. you'll like it. Makes no difference if you can't afford it. Sam will make it right. The leaders are still saying look people are losing their home. We should give them money so they will not lose their home. This is still a no brainer. Why do we give money to a problem that will not right itself. If one cannot afford a morgage payment, which they know they can't who is helping whom??? Back to the Oil...Seems like the cost of gas will continue to go down. How will this downward spiril effect this crisis??? If at all. No one is saying..


Gayle said...

No one is saying, Tap, because no one has a clue!

Tapline said...

Gayle, The only reason I'm curious is because no one is saying anything abour it. NO ONE....What gives here......Yesterday is was down today it is back up the fix is in. stay well.....

WomanHonorThyself said...

welcome back Tapster!..ah yes the clueless masses...all will be well..there is a Greater Power than all of us my friend!!

Tapline said...

I'm back, but tomorrow I am on my way again for a couple of weeks. I have to see the Boston Pops on Tour and close the camp for the winter......Thanks for stopping by I'm sure this will be ironed out by next week. Possibly with all the publicity some of the pork will be taken out by the House.. We'll see....stay well....

Average American said...

Plenty of pork to go around!! Anybody hungry?

It seems that the worse the economy is perceived, the less oil and gas we are using. people are tightening their belts. What would be the best of both worlds would be if China and India's economies would tank. Then demand would crash and so would the price!

Anonymous said...

What Gayle said. And, as it turns out, she's speaking truthfully.

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Enjoy the Boston Pops Tap!

Σ. Alexander said...

I am glad that you are back to the blog now. The financial crisis is spreading across the world. And oil price?

It is good news if the price goes lower. Hopefully, that is not deflation. When people get upset, they make wrong decisions.

That happened during the Great Depression.

Tapline said...

Mustang, Thanks for stopping,,,,and sorry I took so long getting these posted....Oil is still falling but not so fast as before..Is it the election or fear???? Stay well.

AI, The Pops was great as usual and camp is closed for another winter....

Shah, Glad to have you stop by...I'm back for the winter...We will see if the decisons made were the right ones to stem this disaster....

Gayle said...

Tap, personally, I don't like the bailout, period. Now the government is into banking. Sheesh! Onward toward socialism, a little bit at a time. It's not going to be good times ahead, my friend. (I almost don't feel comfortable saying "my friend" anymore because McCain uses it so much).

Be sure to let me know when you put up a new post, okay?

Tapline said...

Gayle, while I was gone, I admit I hardly watched the news. Periodically, I would go to the neighbors to watch FOX, but not too much.....The latter part of the summer I watched PBS, but they are so liberal its frightening.....The bailout,,,,My own personal opinion is we had to do it because so much of the paper was bought by foreign banks and investors we had to do something. I know I heard laong ago that China was buying up all the morgages...I didn't however follow it further....Thanks for stopping by...stay well....

Ducky's here said...

See here's how it works tapline.

A primary cause of our economy being in the toilet and being close to the big flush is the decline in housing prices (thank you Alan Greenspan).

Now as defaults occur the price of existing homes starts to approach the foreclosure price.

As more houses foreclose and pressure is put on the banks the foreclosure price becomes lower.

See where this is going?

So if you can restructure loans so that people are able to avoid foreclosure everyone benefits.

Now I know it is difficult for the far right to buy into a system where cooperation is the strategy which generates the most benefit but try.

Remember the left is here to help you.

Tapline said...

Ducky, Thanks for stopping by and adding your words of wisdom.....This whole morgage/bailouts thing has me very much in the dark, so I will obsorb as much as I can to try to make head or tails to the problems and long term effects...stay well....