Saturday, November 7, 2009

H1N1 not for me.....

Yesterday, I was checking on a medical procedure being completed on my lovely wife at my primary physicians office to be sure the paperwork was completed prior to her discharge. It was.....While there I thought I would check on whether or not they had the H1N1 vaccine.. They had some, but I was informed I could not have it because I was too old. I'm 74. It seems that only people who have medical problems from 25 through 64 are covered by order of the CDC and the State Health Officials, or so I was informed...(Even though I have a disease called COPD I do not qualify because I'm too old and if I do get it, I probably won't make it).....within this last week, I have been informed by a couple of people that the Newspapers have had articles stating that. They mis calculated, yes....if seniors get this disease it hits them very hard, but I guess we are expendable......I told a few of my friends about the experience and they couldn't believe it.....Believe it folks... I called state and they confirmed that indeed that is the way it is now but they are working to get it down just keep checking with my primary physician. I advised that if I got the disease it wouldn't do me much good to be checking with a doctor because it would probably be too late to care. I spoke to another friend and she jokingly said "Oh well, you've had a good life." followed up by "You've got to be kidding me?" evidently, they hadn't heard the news before this ....Of course we haven't heard of rationing healthcare anywhere?? have we????

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Just a Thought!!

Seems everything we hear about lately are the results of Opinion surveys by various sources. Although I haven't heard much about this subject,and I might be just a conspiracy nut!!! But,,,,,I was talking to a relative of mine a couple of days ago. She is a die hard Democrat from the old school and I mean Old School...She really thinks the Democratic Party hasn't changed since her high school days, FDR and Social Security etc.. She was really was beside herself because someone had sent her a survey addressed to a Republican, to complete and return, giving her opinion on current events,,,Healthcare etc.... She stated she did not know where it came from, but completed the survey answering the questions as she, a democrat felt following the democratic talking points government healthcare etc...and sent it back...She thought it was really a joke...I being the cautious one, question where this survey came from and being sent to a staunch Democrat,as though she was a Republican Me thinks that if many of these were sent to the wrong people it would really mess up any survey and for what purpose?????.......Just a thought.....